The Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava , together with the consent of the Rector of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, in accordance with Law No. 131/2002 Z.z. of Higher Education and amendment of certain laws regarding the fulfillment of posts:
- Associate professors study: 8.3.5. Health and safety at work
Eligibility and requirements:
- Scientific-pedagogical degree in this field or related fields,
- To meet the criteria for the appointment of associate professors at the MTF STU, which were approved by the Scientific Council STU
- Demonstrated success in obtaining significant international and domestic scientific research and educational projects,
- Associated with teaching to deliver a comprehensive compulsory or elective subject in the study program in this field.
- Active knowledge of English,
- Scientific research and publications.
Applicants should apply in writing while accompanied by:
- An overview of five major works for the last five years,
- An overview of research, according to the domestic, foreign, grant projects over the past five years,
- An overview of contracts in the business over the past five years.