Membership of Slovak and international organisations
On an international level, the faculty cooperated with significant scientific and technical organisations in the last year. STU MTF is an institutional member of five professional international organisations. Employees of the faculty are active in different Slovak (individual memberships) and also international organisations (individual memberships) in different positions, from members to chairs, vice-chairs and members of boards.
Membership in international professional organisations
Association for Heat Treatment of Metals
European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health
European Alliance for Innovation
KMM.VIN European Virtuall Institute On Based Multifunctional Materials AISBL
EEDC AISBL C/O SEFI AISBL European Engineering Deans Council
Memberships in Slovak professional organisations
Slovak Natural Gas and Crude Oil Union
Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Automobile Cluster
Slovak Association of Libraries
Slovak Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Association of Machining Industry of the Slovak Republic
Research and Development Center of AUTOMOTIVE
Slovak Plastic Cluster