Name of project |
Centre of development and application of progressive diagnostic methods for processing metal and non-metallic materials |
ITMS of project | 26220120014 |
Duration of project | 05/2009-04/2011 |
Workplace | Institute of Materials |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2008/2.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project is aimed at building a modern dynamic Centre of excellent analytical methods utilising the current advanced knowledge on the interaction of electron and laser beam with substance, top detection systems of high sensitivity, modern mechanical procedures and monitoring the electric and on-electric quantities. It is focused on evaluating the specific properties of progressive metallic and non-metallic materials prepared by the advanced technological procedures. The project goals comprise the building of a modern diagnostic centre for evaluating/assessing the properties of metallic and non-metallic materials, elaborating new procedures and methods for utilising advanced analytical devices, and identifying structural, mechanical and electric properties of materials in the manufacturing process. |
Name of project | Excellence Centre of 5-axis machining |
ITMS of project | 26220120013 |
Duration of project | 05/2009-04/2010 |
Workplace | Institute of Production Technologies |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2008/2.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
Establishment of the new Excellence Centre and its sustainability will support the advanced technologies of 5- axis machining, their research, HSC CNC milling and turning of free-form surfaces, CNC ultrasonic and laser machining of so-called hard-to-machine materials, and utilising CA technologies within CAD/CAM/CNC/CAQ. |
Name of project | Improvement and modernisation of the educational technical, information and communication infrastructure of the STU workplaces |
ITMS of project | 26250120019 |
Duration of project | 07/2009-09/2011 |
Workplace | STU (FA, MTF, STU external campus Gabčíkovo) |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2008/2.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project’s aim is to improve education in the STU workplaces via modernisation of their technical and ICT infrastructure, so that they become the pillars of regional development and international co-operation. The project focuses on improving technical pre-requisites of the educational process implementation and refurbishment of selected STU workplaces via the introduction of new ICT networks, equipment and devices as well as modernisation of the existing ones. |
Name of project | Centre of development and application of progressive diagnostic methods for processing metal and non-metallic materials |
ITMS of project | 26220220054 |
Duration of project | 01/2010-06/2012 |
Workplace | Division of knowledge management |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2008/2.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
The aim of the project is building a Centre of knowledge management of intellectual property supporting the intellectual potential of the Faculty based on the intention to increase the degree of responsibility for the knowledge and technology transfer. The Centre will provide access to unique databases and a complex of navigation services in the field of patent documentation. It will also verify the acquired data by the verification process and reinforce the awareness of intellectual property. Along with the functions of a virtual library and digital archive, the centre will provide complex care of rights of intellectual properties, expert research and education workplace for intellectual property. The project will contribute to the globalisation trends regarding the knowledge faculty as a knowledge society centre. |
Name of project | Laboratory of flexible manufacturing systems with robotized manipulation supported by drawing-free production |
ITMS of project | 26220220055 |
Duration of project | 02/2010- 04/2012 |
Workplace | Institute of Production Systems and Applied Mechanics |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2008/2.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
The aim of the project is to build an elastic production system with robotic regulation which will enable design-free production. The product will be modeled with a PC in an appropriate 3D CAD program, and then the regulation program will be generated for an elastic production system, which will produce a component. It will provide the possibility to produce the necessary components for a particular product. All produced components will be controlled during production, so the likelihood of failure of finished products will be decreased. This prototype device will help to observe the influence of different production strategies on production costs, time necessary to produce a certain product amount, and other important efficiency parameters of the production. The advantages of the design-free production and influence on efficiency of the whole process will be observed and assessed in both pre-production and production phases. The acquired knowledge will be presented in the domestic and international forums and scientific journals. We intend to address the representatives of the domestic industrial production, demonstrate them the prototype and propose collaboration within various projects, so that to transfer the acquired results into industrial production and help retaining competitiveness of the Slovak industry. |
Name of project | Hybrid power supply for technical consultancy laboratory of utilization and promotion of renewable energy sources |
ITMS of project | 26220220056 |
Duration of project | 10/2010- 03/2012 |
Workplace | Institute of Safety and Environmental Engineering |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2008/2.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project goal is to build a prototype of a hybrid source-based RES construction (hydro-potential, solar, biogas and bioethanol) for long term testing and promotion. The proposed interventions will increase the prestige of research, which will also raise the interest in the quest for talents and higher employment in this field. The benefit will be new creative ideas and flexible responses to the needs of small enterprises and their closer cooperation. The resulting effect will be more competitive research teams within the national research, raised interest in small and medium enterprises to conduct research focused on innovation in public research institutions, universities and other research centres. Slovak research teams will also compete at the international level, bringing greater cooperation of the Slovak research teams with the international environment and better achievements of the Slovak applicants in the 7th Framework Program of EU and other EU initiatives. |
Name of project | Center for Development and Application of Advanced Diagnostic Methods in Processing of Metallic and Non-metallic Materials |
ITMS of project | 26220120048 |
Duration of project | 01/2010-12/2011 |
Workplace | Institute of Materials |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2009/2.1/02-SORO |
Annotation | |
Project is focused on enhancing the equipment of a modern dynamic centre of excellent and analytical methods. It will utilise the latest knowledge of X-ray interaction with materials, along with advanced procedures of measuring and assessing mechanical, thermo-physical and corrosive properties of progressive metal and non-metallic materials, top thermodynamic detection systems of extra sensitivity and advanced procedures of processing the surface layers. The centre will provide the assessment of various physical-chemical effects on the life and exploitation properties of metal and non-metallic materials. The project implementation gave rise to five complex laboratory units: Laboratory of heat flows, Laboratory of thermo-physical measurements, Laboratory of corrosion tests, Laboratory of structural analyses and Laboratory of coating and heat treatment. |
Name of project | Excellence Centre of 5-axis machining - experimental basis of high-tech research |
ITMS of project | 26220120045 |
Duration of project | 01/2010-12/2012 |
Workplace | Institute of Production Technologies |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2009/2.1/02-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project’s aim is to enhance the machinery pool of the Excellence Centre of 5-axis machining by the machine tools and robots in the workplace of CNC HSC HIGH -Technologies of machining. Another task is to build a basic device pool of the Workplace for measurement and control within the Excellence Centre of 5-axis machining, in order to support and implement the common research with CNC HSC HIGH –Technologies of Machining in the following fields: methods and strategies of 5-axis machining on 5- axis machine tools of two different constructions, CNC laser machining, CNC grinding of free form tools, 3D scanning of free form parts, 3D control of forms and shapes of free form tools, exact measurements of the cutting fluids’ quality, measuring the inorganic and organic carbon, measuring the cutting forces in milling and turning (both in workpiece and tool), liquidating the bacteria by Ozoniser, and finally balancing the cutting tools. |
Name of project | Knowledge Management system of tools for monitoring the graduates’ employability in the process of EU integration |
ITMS of project | 26110230023 |
Duration of project | 04/2010-12/2012 |
Workplace | Institute of Engineering Pedagogy and Humanities |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2009/2.1/02-SORO |
Annotation | |
Strategic aim of the project is the development of the human potential in the research and innovation via postgraduate study and specialised preparation of researchers while networking the activities of universities, research centres and enterprises. The project goal is to develop pedagogical competences and support academic development of PhD students. Fundamental activities are complete pedagogical and psychological training of the STU MTF PhD students for their pedagogical activities in tertiary education institutions. Another objective is the preparation and implementation of the modular course “Practicum of university pedagogy for STU MTF PhD students “. Development of pedagogical competencies is connected with preparation and implementation of “Capstone modular course“. |
Name of project | Industrial research into silent blocks for excessive load in extreme temperatures in the field of industrial application |
ITMS of project | 26220220137 |
Duration of project | 11/2011 - 10/2015 |
Workplace | Institute of Production Technologies + MIKON, s.r.o. |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2009/2.2/05-SORO |
Annotation | |
Project will acquire the knowledge of the influence of high and low temperatures, wide ranges of temperature changes in time, vibrations and pressure changes, as well as specific chemical effects on the silent blocks properties, with the aim of devising technological procedures for manufacturing the silent blocks suitable for industrial application in the conditions of excessive load an extreme temperatures. In industrial applications, silent blocks are exposed to various environmental impacts that affect their service life. The demands of customers for reliable performance in the conditions of high or low temperature, pressure, vibration, chemicals (water, brake fluid, oil) keep increasing. To retain competitiveness, the submitting organisation is forced to innovate production procedures in compliance with the increasing demands of customers. This will result in industrial research aimed at designing the technological procedure enabling the launch of the new products in practice. MIKON, spol. s r.o. company initiated the partnership and decided to blend their knowledge of industrial an trade practice with the research capacity and technical equipment of the Slovak University of Technology. The Company will be responsible for simulations and optimisation of simulation tools and analysis of the data acquired. The submitting organisation will carry out experiments (preparation of samples and their analysis). Involved will be also experts from other specialised university workplaces, as well as PhD students and other students primarily oriented on research with the aim of effectively combining the research and educational processes. The project will analyse the effect of physical conditions on the required service of components and final product. The conditions will correspond to real application. Parallel simulation of the abovementioned processes will be carried out by using simulation software tools. Results of simulations as well as real acquired values will be compared with the aim of improving the simulation process. |
Name of project | Stage II of the complex modernisation of educational tangible hmotnej, information and communication infrastructure of the STU workplaces |
ITMS of project | 26250120045 |
Duration of project | 06/2010 - 12/2012 |
Workplace | STU (FA, MTF, SVF, FCHPT, ÚZ Gabčíkovo) |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2009/5.1/03-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project aim is the improvement of education in the STU workplaces so that they become the pillars of regional development in the stage II of the tangible and ICT infrastructure modernisation. The new STU tangible infrastructure will improve the conditions of worthy and modern education. |
Name of project | Implementation of the internal system of quality assurance in education |
ITMS of project | 26110230042 |
Duration of project | 01/2012 - 12/2013 |
Workplace | Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics |
Operational programme | OPV - 2010/1.2/02-SORO |
Annotation | |
The aim of the project is to design and verify the system of objective quality assessment and effective and purposeful education in order to achieve continual adaptation of tertiary education institutions to current and future needs of knowledge society. It will enable the introduction of the system of direct quality measurement of tertiary education, while improving the outputs and approximating the educational system to the society needs. The project objectives are:
Name of project | Rationalisation and improvement of the of Industrial Management study programme to support career consultancy |
ITMS of project | 26110230055 |
Duration of project | 01/2012 - 12/2013 |
Workplace | Institute of Industrial Management and Quality |
Operational programme | OPV - 2010/1.2/02-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project aim is the improvement of the Industrial Management study programme by using modern methods of education and ICT regarding the career consultancy. Based on “The regulations of Quality Management education in STU Bratislava“ and the practice demands for the graduates of Industrial Management study programme, we will introduce the changes aimed at the improvement of the graduates’ employability and their preparedness innovations in work procedures, products and services. This will correspond with the implementation of the European Qualifications Framework, thus making prerequisites for continual monitoring the results achieved in the educational process via the innovations of its contents and methods applied. The project goal is:
Name of project | Centre for research and development in the field of the electron-beam and progressive arc technologies of welding, cladding and surface-finishing (WeldCenter) |
ITMS of project | 26210120017 |
Duration of project | 10/2012 - 03/2014 |
Workplace | Institute of Production Technologies |
Operational programme | OPVaV-2011/1.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
Specific project objectives are focused on modernising and improving the technical infrastructure for research and development. The aim is to build a High-Tech research center for advanced technologies of welding, surface hardening, remelting and the fromation of special coatings via the electron beam. Another objective is to build a Centre of Excellence for comprehensive research of technological processes of welding and cladding using the methods of electric arc welding and plasma arc welding welding in all welding positions and for any trajectory of a weld (cladding). |
Name of project | Technical infrastructure of research and development for the field of the contact and contact-free methods of measurement |
ITMS of project | 26210120020 |
Duration of project | 10/2012 - 03/2014 |
Workplace | Institute of Production Technologies |
Operational programme | OPVaV-2011/1.1/01-SORO |
Annotation | |
Strategic objective of the project is to build a scientific and research workplaces focused on the research of advanced welding technologies and the enhancement of the research potential in the field of mechanical engineering metrology with the emphasis on modern methods of measuring the precision of engineering components, as well as integration into scientific research networks. The project will have a positive impact on the development of the educational process and training of a new generation of scientists and top qualified workers for High-Tech industries. The new machinery and equipment will provide favourable conditions for direct co-operative research with economic practice, thus enabling effective transfer of scientific knowledge into practice. |
Name of project | Research into monitoring and assessing the non-standard states in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant |
ITMS of project | 26220220159 |
Duration of project | 04/2012 - 09/2014 |
Workplace | Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics + Qintec, s.r.o. Trnava |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2011/2.2/07-SORO |
Annotation | |
The project aim is to support the research and development of in the field of ICT. It will support the economic growth via technological improvement of the system of monitoring and assessing/evaluating non-standard states in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant. Its result may markedly influence environment. Project also supports co-operation of enterprises and universities and sustainable development in three fields: economic (increasing innovativeness, competitiveness and added value of research into small and medium-sized companies; social (life quality, safety and health protection); environmental (power security and environmental protection). |
Name of project | A comprehensive modernisation of material and non-material (information and communication) educational infrastructure of Bottova Campus. |
ITMS of project | 26250120053 |
Duration of project | 10/2012 - 09/2014 |
Workplace | MTF STU Trnava |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2011/5.1/04-SORO |
Annotation | |
The main objective of the project is improving the quality of education through investments to material infrastructure. More specifically, the project is aiming to ensure modernisation of the material furnishing and equipment of the university, the main creator and performer of educational and training process. In accordance with the main objective, the university will strive to improve conditions for establishing the new forms of learning and teaching (particularly utilising new technologies in building foreign language facilities, IT facilities, workshops and lecture rooms. Furthermore the project investments and activities include also improving additional computer equipment of an academic library, IT network construction and maintenance, and overall real property reconstruction. Latter one includes the buildings thermal insulation; windows replacement; coating repair; building exterior and interior repair; barrier-free accessibility construction; sanitary facilities reconstruction; water, sewage and electricity networks reconstruction; fire safety improvement. |
Name of project | University Scientific Park „ CAMPUS MTF STU“ - CAMBO |
ITMS of project | 26220220179 |
Duration of project | 03/2013 - 06/2015 |
Workplace | MTF STU Trnava |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2012/2.2/08-RO |
Annotation | |
The Research Centre of Progressive Technologies (Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) is primarily focused on Materials Engineering in the field of ion and plasma Technologies, Automation and ICT implementation in industrial processes and research field e.g. nanotechnology and nanostructures, sensorics, specific hardware & software development, bioengineering and health, vision and processing, big data, humanoids, simulation and modelling. The area of Materials research will include theoretical modelling using ab-initio methods, either at a very accurate level treating small systems at the molecular scale, or DFT methods concerning bulk materials and surfaces. The area of Automation and ICT implementation will also provide space for research and development in a wide range of hardware, communication and management of automated software tools, knowledge based systems, archiving and distribution of knowledge of higher-level systems. The Research centre comprises of two new buildings for the purposes of research, located on the campus. Research centres: 1/ Scientific Centre of Materials Research with laboratories focused on: ion beam technologies, plasmatic modification and deposition, analytical methods, computational modelling. |
Name of project | Knowledge-based Faculty for economic practice |
ITMS of project | 26110230113 |
Duration of project | 10/2013 - 06/2015 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | OPVaV - 2012/2.2/08-RO |
Annotation | |
The project is focused on developing the tools and mechanisms for building a partner environment of a knowledge-based Faculty for economic practice. Needs analysis is based on the long-term Faculty goals of increasing the degree of responsibility for knowledge transfer, and development of the knowledge-based society. It concerns the integrity of education and innovations through the development of intellectual capital and knowledge potential of the Faculty. The quality of the knowledge and intellectual potential of the institution as well as the intensity of its development are both associated with knowledge management. Transfer of knowledge represents a review of the status of knowledge in the value hierarchy of the Faculty. Tools for developing the innovative forms of the research, development and education results transfer determine the added value of the cognitive and transformation processes at the Faculty. The project maps the outcomes for the development of collaboration with economic practice and the impact of environment on the collaboration, and simultaneously creates tools for the knowledge transfer into education. The project seeks to increase the quality of education and human resources development in the fields of research and development, in order to achieve continuous adaptation of higher education institutions to the current and future needs of the knowledge society. |
Name of project | Centre for development of the competencies in the field of industrial engineering and management |
ITMS of project | 26110230115 |
Duration of project | 10/2013 - 09/2015 |
Workplace | Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management |
Operational programme | OPV-2012/1.2./05-SORO |
Annotation | |
Centre for development of the competence in the field of industrial engineering and management will support the development of human potential in research and innovation in the field of industrial engineering and management, particularly via post-graduate studies and training of researchers and practitioners from industrial practice, thus also networking the activities of universities, research centres and businesses. |
Name of project | Human Resources Development in the field of research and development for the UVP-CAMBO |
ITMS of project | 26110230116 |
Duration of project | 10/2013 - 06/2015 |
Workplace |
Výskumné pracovisko progresívnych technológií Research Centre of Progressive Technologies |
Operational programme | OPV-2013/1.2./07-SORO |
Annotation | |
In October 2013, 14 researchers and operators were sent to Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf to attend a 2-year educational programme within the working groups oriented on materials research and projects on the utilisation of ion beams. Their knowledge is being theoretically enhanced by attending specialised lectures and on-site training to use the unique equipment. The intention is that they will continue their scientific work in the Workplace of Materials Research after the construction of Slovakion is accomplished. |
Name of project | Complex modernisation of the educational, material, information and communication infrastructure of the CAMPUS Bottova II, and reconstruction of the Kočovce training centre |
ITMS of project | 26250120070 |
Duration of project | 04/2014 - 10/2015 |
Workplace | MTF STU Trnava+ SjF STU Bratislava |
Operational programme | OPVaV-2013/5.1/05-SORO |
Annotation | |
The strategic objective of the project is in compliance with the current long-term STU aim . Its implementation eliminates most of the obvious shortcomings of the STU educational infrastructure, thereby achieving the efficiency and improvement of the University educational activities, which will contribute significantly to improving the STU competitiveness and success within various national and international activities. Modernisation of the educational infrastructure along with the outcomes of education and scientific activities will gradually help STU become one of the driving forces of development in the regions where the individual STU workplaces perform. |
Name of project | Independent research and development of new progressive materials with a wide range of applications |
ITMS of project | 313011T606 |
Duration of project | 2016-2019 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
”Independent research and development of new progressive materials with a wide range of applications” - Research and development of high entropy alloys and their characterization. The goal of sub-activity is to design and prepare selected high-entropy alloys in bulk form and to make a basic characterization of their structure, phase composition and properties |
Name of project | Independet research and development of new high-hard coatings and their characterization by advanced experimental techniques |
ITMS of project | 313011T598 |
Duration of project | 2016-2019 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The main focus of the project is independent research and development in the field of materials for creating functional surfaces. The goal of the project is to expand knowledge in this area, to propose a suitable composition of these coatings, taking into account specific technological operations of metal processing. Research and development will be carried out in these following topics: 1. Preparation and characterization of new types of hard coatings for tool materials in order to increase their resistance to adhesive and abrasive wear. 2. Research into the possibilities of increasing the thermal and oxidation stability of hard coatings based on Al-Ti-N and characterizing the properties with the clarification of oxidation mechanisms in the surface layers with the aim of using them to improve sliding properties. 3. Detailed atomic study of solid solution decay processes, as well as oxidation processes in the surface layers of functional surfaces. The most modern methods of electron microscopy and electron spectroscopy with atomic resolution will be used for this purpose. |
Name of project | Progressive materials and their preparation technologies for sensory applications in the industry of 21 century |
ITMS of project | 313011T588 |
Duration of project | 2016-2019 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The general goal of the project is research and development in the field of innovative and progressive materials. We are focused on using the excellent knowledge potential and previous experience of scientific capacities with the use of the existing infrastructure of University science parks of STU. Partial objectives of the project are methodology of design and production of molecular systems, technology of their deposition, Production of contacts or their characterization, evaluation of the properties of these elements. Research and development will be carried out within the following sub-activities: 1. Development of deposition technologies compatible with organic materials. 2. Research of innovative application of ion beams for study of ion implantation process. 3. Development of the methodology for characterization of devices with specific contact properties. |
Name of project | Research and development of advanced and intelligent control systems for production processes with a focus on the automotive industry |
ITMS of project | 313011Y837 |
Duration of project | 2016-2019 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The main goal of the project is research and development of advanced and intelligent control systems for production processes with a focus on the automotive industry. The goal of the project is closely related to the current needs of modernizing production processes so that they can be an effective support for large factories in the Slovak Republic, which constantly and continuously modernize their operations and introduce complex automatic control and diagnostics of their production in accordance with the development of information and communication technologies and robotization based on cognitive, platformization and flexible reconfigurability. Partners from industrial practice (in a way that does not favor or discriminate against other companies so that there is no indirect state aid), research institutes and universities will be involved in the solution of the project. The main partners of the solution will be the Institute of Automotive Mechatronics at FEI STU and 2 institutes and the Department of Languages and Humanities from MTF STU in Trnava, which are currently among the leading Slovak research and implementation workplaces in the subject area of basic and experimental research into complex automation and digitization of industrial production. The mentioned workplaces will coordinate the project in order to ensure high quality and usability of the results of the project solution. |
Name of project | Research, modelling and simulation of production processes applying advanced technologies |
ITMS of project | 313011T589 |
Duration of project | 2016-2020 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The project titled "Research, modelling and simulation of production processes applying advanced technologies" is focused on the use of knowledge potential and previous experience of the applicant's top research teams with full use of the existing top infrastructure of the Slovak University of Technology Science Park to carrying out independent research and development activities in the field of knowledge “Machines, constructions and equipment/technology”. The project includes research of modelling and simulation of preparation of new types of materials, sensory structures and new advanced manufacturing technologies capable of implementation to the industry in the context of the philosophy Industry for the 21st century. |
Name of project | Research of advanced methods of intelligent information processing |
ITMS of project | 313011T570 |
Duration of project | 2016-2021 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The project "Research of advanced methods of intelligent information processing" will solve a whole range of questions and possibilities related to the using of ICT in data analysis. The project is divided into two activities: 1. Collection, analysis and security of data, 2. Data analysis in a company environment The project will focus on research in the following topics: |
Name of project | Development of Research and Development Capacities to Ensure a Stable Supply of Electricity Following the Trends of the Development of Modern Means of Transport of the 21st Century |
ITMS of project | 313011T596 |
Duration of project | 2016-2022 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
In the frame of the project "Development of Research and Development Capacities to Ensure a Stable Supply of Electricity Following the Trends of the Development of Modern Means of Transport of the 21st Century", an independent research and development in the field of electricity distribution systems was carried out with the aim of achieving a stable supply of electricity, taking into account the expected rapid development of electromobility in Slovakia and the EU. In this research field, knowledge about the current state, capabilities and lifetime of electrical energy distribution systems will be expanded, given that these are a necessary condition for ensuring a stable supply of vehicles powered by electric energy. Current knowledge will also be enriched with knowledge related to factors affecting and limiting the parameters and lifetime of electrical energy distribution systems. |
Name of project | Scientific Research Center of Excellence SlovakION for Materials Science and Interdisciplinary Research (TEAMING) |
ITMS of project | 313011W085 |
Duration of project | 2019-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The general goal of the project is to create a sustainable excellent research and development, innovation and institutional management environment for the implementation of activities in the field of materials research, development of new materials, the latest diagnostic methods, simulations and modeling in materials engineering and material properties and also in ICT, where project activities are focused on signal processing and analysis, simulation and modeling, machine learning, control and signal integration. This activity was created thanks to the support of the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014-2020 co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund. The strategic goal is to achieve the status of an international scientifically competitive center, especially in the field of materials research using ion beam and plasma technologies, but also in interdisciplinary areas of research and development activities. Industry needs: The SlovakION Center of Excellence will carry out research in the field of preparation of materials that will find usage in various applications, e.g. automotive industry, optics, electrical engineering, photovoltaics, or specific display technologies, production technologies, information and communication technologies, optics, sensors, etc. Ion beam techniques can be considered as a “Swiss Knife” of surface technology as – de¬pen¬¬ding on the ion species, energy and dose – nearly all surface properties (tribologic, optical, electronic, magnetic) of materials can be tailored. Material modification on the nano¬scale as well as the treat¬ment of large areas is likewise possible as ion beam and plasma methods are scalable with re¬spect to materials dimension. Moreover, various well-developed ion beam analysis methods are able to charac¬te¬rize the elemental composition of materials. This delivers an enormous potential to appli¬ca¬tions in various industries. Research is focused on the investigation of the influence of high-energy particles on the mechanisms of degradation in special types of materials (superconducting materials, materials for energy and nuclear reactors with increased resistance to radiation damage) too. It will not be just about innovation of new materials, but the research will also bring automated algorithmic solutions in practice. The results of the project will be applied in economic and social practice by providing solutions that cannot otherwise be verified in economic practice, with an increased ability to solve projects directly for practice. The implementation of projects for practice will create the conditions for a wider involvement of doctoral students as well as students in solving research tasks and thus allow greater use of the scientific potential of young researchers. In terms of material sustainability, the research and development activities of the project will contribute to the development of an excellent workplace and the strengthening of the SlovakION scientific institute. At the same time, the institute is establishing itself in the European Research Area (ERA), which will not only increase the interest of young workers and students to participate in research and development activities, but also it will strengthen the institutes’ position in the ERA. |
Name of project | Research in the SANET network and the possibilities of its further use and development (SANET) |
ITMS of project | 313011W988 |
Duration of project | 2020-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The project demonstrates the experimental integration of original models of efficient and secure distribution of specific data in large networks. The integration will offer more complex research and development solutions for partial network concepts and will enable the involvement of other infrastructure blocks. The project is based on the implementation of eight project activities. The aim of the activities is to provide entities with a competitive advantage, which consists in the speed of access to massive data using innovative methods of aggregation and efficient distribution in large networks. The project assumes that the results will have a high potential applicability in socio-economic practice. The goal of the project is to offer results of a universal nature with global applicability (e.g. theoretical methods and algorithms) as well as practical procedures and laboratory integrations. Activity no. 4 – solved at MTF STU: „Research on adaptive reconfiguration of large-scale networks based on security analysis of network incidents with impact on new network protocols“. The task of this activity will be primarily research in the field of adaptive network configuration based on the evaluation of network traffic by monitoring mechanisms of the new generation. |
Name of project | Research and development of the SHARK UL aircraft and innovation of its production processes (SHARK) |
ITMS of project | 313012S871 |
Duration of project | 2020-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The outcomes of the project plan will be an addition to the existing manufacture of the SHARK UL airplane. The changes will involve a design of airplane parts and accessories. The aim of the research is to improve the existing product. The purpose of the innovation is to get the developed prototypes into the manufacturing process. Flight characteristics such as speed, economy of the operation and safety will be improved as an example. Outcomes of the individual project parts are developed prototypes of components and parts of the airplane, prototypes of its improvements. The implementation of the main activities will be carried out by practical verification, i.e. by mounting the developed prototypes of components on a verification (research) airplane. The implementation of the main activities of the project will be directly verified and tested in real conditions. This will ensure the fulfillment of individual project goals. |
Name of project | Support of research activities of excellent STU laboratories in Bratislava (acronym CEVIS Science) |
ITMS of project | 313021BXZ1 |
Duration of project | 2020-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The project is aimed at supporting the research activities of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, using the existing infrastructure. All components of STUBA are involved in the project, therefore the research focus of the project is extensive. Within the knowledge areas, it goes cross-sectionally through all domains of the RIS3 intelligent specialization. The project is thematically divided into three activities: A1 - Research in the knowledge area of ICT, A2 - Research in the field of knowledge Construction machinery and equipment/technology, A3 - Progressive 2D and 3D layers prepared by physical deposition methods. Activity A3 belongs to the knowledge area of Construction machinery and equipment/technology, but it is implemented by the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava. |
Name of project |
Research on corrosion and corrosion cracking in pressure systems of the primary circuit of nuclear power plants |
ITMS of project | 313021W996 |
Duration of project | 2021-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
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The project is focused on new procedures for assessing the condition of materials of the primary circuit of nuclear power plants of the VVER type. These are the combination of these approaches and a new way of determining the residual life of individual critical components based on the predictive model. Part of the goals of the presented project is the creation of prediction models and thereby increasing the contribution of research to economic growth through global excellence and local relevance. Research on corrosion and corrosion cracking in pressure systems of the primary circuit of nuclear power plants will contribute to the creation of new and maintenance of existing research jobs, to technological and non-technological outputs of research and development applied in practice in the form of innovations, and to joint mutual projects in the areas of thematic priorities RIS3 SK - Industry for 21st century, trend Quality, testing, metrology, processes, energy. |
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Universal telemedical system for outpatient management of cardiovascular diseases |
ITMS of project | 311070AHQ3 |
Duration of project | 2021-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
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The aim of this project is the creation of a smartphone app for patients with cardiovascular diseases and electronic medical system for physicians capable of collection, synchronization, and analysis of the medical data via machine learning algorithms. Project is focused on disadvantaged group of people in the age of 55-75 years. Data will be acquired via commonly available intelligent wearables capable of biological functions monitoring. The whole system will enable telemedical management of these patients achieving the main goals of the project:
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Strategic research in the field of SMART monitoring, treatment and preventive protection against the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) |
ITMS of project | 313011ASS8 |
Duration of project | 2021-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The objective of the project consists of three interconnected thematic areas - monitoring, detection and decontamination/disinfection. The main goal of the project is the development of a SMART system based on artificial intelligence and sensors of the new generation, capable of detecting a possible return or outbreaks of the disease of COVID-19 in the population of the Slovak Republic based on the analysis of waste water in almost real time, and to compare this SMART system in terms of sensitivity with those already in use procedures based mainly on RT-PCR analysis. In order to achieve the main goal, sub-goals will also be part of the project. First, the development of several types of new generation bio-microsensors (bio-microsensors for various application areas) aimed at rapid detection of viral RNA in wastewater and biological samples of potentially infected subjects (skin, saliva, sweat and urine). Secondly, the development and testing of innovative degradation and decontamination procedures and technologies, including the development of wastewater treatment technology from point sources (mainly medical facilities but also, for example, nursing homes), technology modifying the drinking water treatment process and the development of coatings, antiviral materials and surfaces on base of selected polymers and their mixtures. |
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Research and development of the applicability of autonomous flying vehicles in the fight against the pandemic caused by COVID-19 |
ITMS of project | 313011ATR9 |
Duration of project | 2021-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The project is focused on research and development in the field of production of other means of transport, including their functional services, quality, testing, metrology and related processes for unmanned aerial vehicles, development of an unmanned aerial vehicle system (UAS - Unmanned Arcraft System) which will be able to be used for transportation of material in dangerous and often life-threatening situations and supporting ICT control systems for the needs of UAS. In view of the above, the project is submitted within the domain Means of Transport for the 21st Century. The complexity and novelty of the presented project is reflected, among other things, by its broad connection to several significant innovative projects within the framework of the European but also the international space.The quality of the presented project is also proven by the planned outputs of the project measured through the indicators of the project. of medium-sized enterprises (Aerobtec) and a non-profit research organization - Medirex Group Academy, whose involvement as a representative of independent biomedical research and development ensures the connection of research and development activities of the presented project to the field of the COVID19 pandemic. |
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RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SWIMMING POOL HALL, TECHNICAL AREAS AND ACCESSORIES in the premises of the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of the Slovak University of Technology located in Trnava |
ITMS of project | Z-2021/004-37 |
Duration of project | 2021-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Fund for Sports support |
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The general goal of the reconstruction is to restore the functionality of the swimming pool, on the basis of which will be created better conditions for the sport activities. A functional swimming pool will contribute to increasing the physical fitness and sports performance of athletes, also the citizens of the city of Trnava and the surrounding area in the current time of virtual world. After the reconstruction, the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology plans to operate the swimming pool so that it is accessible to students and employees, the STU swimming club, local schools and the general public. Project is supported using public funding by Sports support fund. |
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Research of Physical, Technical and Material Aspects of High-Temperature Reactors with the Potential of Hydrogen Production, (Acronym HydroGenIV) |
ITMS of project | 313011BUH7 |
Duration of project | 2022-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The focus of the project "Research of Physical, Technical, and Material Aspects of High-Temperature Reactors with the Potential for Hydrogen Production" (Acronym HydroGenIV) is the investigation of current physical, technological, and materials related issues in the ongoing development of IV. Generation high-temperature reactors with hydrogen production potential (VHTR and GFR). The main advantages of the gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) technology are the very high temperatures of the output medium, which enable the development of subsequent high-temperature technological applications while significantly streamlining the use of nuclear fuel. The project is directed towards achieving the following goals: 1) solving current open questions in knowledge and understanding of physical and technical issues in relation to high-temperature reactors and reliable simulation of relevant thermohydraulic processes; 2) substantial expansion of the spectrum of structural materials for high-temperature technologies with hydrogen production potential. |
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Development of new progressive cutting tools for machining parts manufactured by WAAM additive manufacturing technology to reduce the number of cutting tools when machining parts made of different types of material |
ITMS of project | 313011BWQ8 |
Duration of project | 2022-2023 |
Workplace | |
Operational programme | Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure |
Annotation | |
The project focuses on developing new progressive cutting tools for machining parts manufactured by WAAM (Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing) additive manufacturing technology. The WAAM technology used principles of welding technology MIG/MAG – hybrid manufacturing. Additive technology WAAM is the possible connection with milling or turning machines. The accurate parts are produced with the combination of these technology (WAAM with milling). The project results are the new design of cutting tool geometry and the parameters database for WAAM technology. One of the goals is to reduce the number of cutting tools used for machining parts produced by WAAM technology. |