- 19.12.2017 - Dr. Sc. Vitalij Genadijevič Zaleskij and Dr. Sc. Igar L. Pobal from the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences
- 8.11.2017 – assoc. prof. Mirko Blagojevic, PhD. from University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for mechanical constructions and mechanization, Serbia
- 11. – 15.11.2017 –. Dr. Pedro Vera Serna z TECAMAC POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, Mexiko.
- 7.11.2017 – Visit from VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
- 23.10.2017 – Elena Sosnovic and Svetlana Firsovan from Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
- 25.9.2017 - doc. Ing. Krzysztof Witkowski, PhD. from Uniwersytet Zielonogórski Poland
- 5.9.2017 - prof. Ing. Karel Kocman, DrSc., Ing. Michal Staněk from Tomas Bata University in Zlin
- 22.8.2017 - Dr. Ing. Dr. h. c. Elke Glistau z Otto von Guericke University v Magdeburgu a prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. h.c. Norge Isaias Coello Machado z Central University Marta Abreu of Las Villas, Santa Clara, Kuba
- 21.6.2017 – Professor Sarkar from Galgotias University, Dílií, India, Dean of School of Basic & Aplied Sciences,
- 11.5.2017 – Visit from Korea Institute of Industrial Technology a z firmy AM Technology Co,. Ltd.
- 6.5.2017 – assoc. prof. Jože Koprivšek from University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenia.
- 18.4.2017 – Visit from Beijing University of Technology, College of Materials Science and Technology
- 25.4.2017 – Visit from Technical University - Sofia
- 14.4.2017 – Visit from University of Nyíregyháza a zo Science University of Szeged
- 21.3.2017 - Visit of Dean, Dr. Hab. Ing. Piotr Kulyk, prof., from the Wydzial Ekonomii i Zarzadzania Uniwersytet Zielonogórski together with vice-dean doc. Ing. Sebastian Saniuk, PhD.
- 9.3.2017 – Visit from Izhevsk
- 15.2.2017 – Foreign visit at the Institute of Production Technologies
- 20.2.2017 – Visit from Technical University of Sofia
- 20.2.2017 – Professor Durakbasa, Technische Universität Wien, and Professor Bauer from NU Buenos Aires
- 14.11.2016 – Special lecture from dr. inź. Monika Hyrza-Michalska
- 11.11.2016 – Foreign visit from Varaždin
- 24.10.2016 - Visit from French embassy at MTF STU
- 18.10.2016 – Representatives of Izhevsk State Technical University at MTF STU
- 28.9.2016 – Dr. Jonnu Kannosto, PhD., Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- 8.7.2016 - Ao. Univ. Prof. Prof.h.c. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c. M. Numan Muhammet Durakbasa (TU Wien), Professor Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Jorge M. Bauer (National University of Lomas Zamora v Buenos Aires) , Ing. Michal Holub, PhD. (VUT Brno) and Ing. Jiří Kovář, PhD. (NETME Centre - New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering VUT Brno – Czech Republic)
- 10.6.2016 – rector of Istanbul Bilgi University prof. Dr. Mehmet Durmana and Rector, Prof. Dr. Atilla Eriş, VP/Provost, Assist. Prof. Dr. Şamil Erdoğan, Director of International Center
- 9.6.2016 - Jun Shimmi - Ambassador Extraordinary Japan at Slovak republic,
- 18.5.2016 - Associate Professor Gelu Ovidiu Tirian (Civil faculty Polytechnic university Timisoara Hunedoare Rumunsko)
- 29.4.2016 - MSc. Anthony Halog, PhD., The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- 27.4.2016 - Ao.Univ.Prof. Prof.h.c. Prof.h.c. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c.Numan M. Durakbasa (Technische Universität Wien- Institut IFertigungstechnik und Hochleistungslasertechnik)
- 2.3.2016 – Visit Bekaert (Belgium) at MTF
- 24.-27.11.2015 – Presentation of DMG MORI, Sandvik and Deutsche Leasing
- 12.11.2015 - Ing. Christoph Liebig and Ing. Marián Drábik (Robert Bosch, České Budějovice, Czech Republic)
- 11.11.2015 - Prof. Dr. János Kundrák and Dr. Gyula Varga (University of Miškolc, Hungary)
- 24.9.2015 - Marica Moglliani (Human Resources Director, Italy), Yosimitsu Yamada (Vice President AISIN Europe, Japan), C Kadan (Export Sales Manager AISIN, Japan), Giorgio Raptis (Manager of Tecnocasa, Italy), Torsten Szipulski (Manager of Elesta, Germany).
- 12.-16.1.2015 - Department of Vehicle Technology, College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Kecskemét College: Oskolás Flóra, Imre Roland, Kun Krisztián, Miskolczi István, Molnár Dorian, Sándor Roland, Vaczkó Dániel
- Visit by Dean of the Faculty of Production Technologies and Management from the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
- ECIC 2014 Conference
- Reception of Foreign Delegation
- Signing the implementation Agreement for Cooperation with IFW Dresden
- Professor William Lucas of the University of Cambridge at the MTF STU
- Welcoming of a foreign delegation from France
- Welcoming of the Rector of Gomel State University
- Ceremonial start of construction of the University science park
- Foreign visitors from Egypt at the MTF STU
- Negotiations with a foreign partner - SKKU, Korea
- Meeting of the plastics industry representatives
- Visit of Professor Nigel Holden from Leeds Business School to the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava
- New Year’s meeting
- Visit to the University of Zelena Hora in Poland
- Summer University for high school students 2012
- Visitor from the University of Wollongong in Dubai at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava
- Visit of Excellency Ambassador Serpikov at MTF STU
- Visit from CARL ZEISS company at MTF STU
- Visit of prof. Marek Šmid - rector of Trnava University
- Visit from Bauer Gear Motor GmbH.
- Visit from The Academy of the Third Age
- Seminar and lecture of guest from Canada- prof. Karapetrovic
- Visit from The Izhevsk State Technical University
- Visit of prof. Nigel Holden
- Lecture of prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Petra Joehnk
- Seminars and lectures of guests from Poland
- Visit from Mexico
- Visit from Slavonský Brod
- Visit from Spain at the MTF STU
- Visit from the University Palacky in Olomouc
- Visit from the Delcam company - Birmingham
- Visit from the Dean of the Civil Engineering Faculty from the University in Astana
- A valuable visit from Australia
- The delegation visited the National University Research STU
- High visit from the company Bekeart - vice-president Dr. Neerinck on FMST STU
- Visit from the University of Zelenej Hore- Poland
- A visit from abroad in the frame of the Erasmus program
- Handing decree to Visiting Professor Dr Andreas Kolitsch
- Representatives of universities from Croatia in Slovakia
- Presentation of commemorative EU coins of Aurel Stodola in Germany
- Presentation of commemorative EU coin Aurel of Aurel Stodola in Poland
- Welcoming of the UN University Rector of Tokyo at the MTF STU by the Dean
- Rector of the University of Miskovec - professor Patko visits the MTF STU
- Meeting between the mechanical engineering faculties in Hungary, Germany, Cuba and the STU
- Cooperation Agreement between the STU and the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas/Cuba
- Cuban and German colleagues on a study trip to the MTF STU
- Visit from the Dean of the Engineering Faculty "Koszalińska Politechnika" (PL) at the MTF STU
- Visit from the North University of Baia Mare
- Visit from the University of Kecskemét
- Visit in the frame of the project CEEPUS
- Visit from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Vienna at MTF STU
- BBC at the MTF STU
- Visit by the Minister of Education to the MTF STU
- Foreign visit to UVTE and UMAT
- Visit from the TU Ilmenau at the MTF STU
- Advisor of the Japanese Empire's Embassy in Slovakia visits the faculty
- Visits from China
- Visit the University of Miskolc
- Visit from Turkey
- Visit from the University of Budapest
- MTF STU delegation to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of the University in KecskeméthEmployee of the MTF visited the European Space Agency (ESA)
- Diploma UMAT MTF STU in Belgium
- MTF STU delegation in negotiations at the Fraunhofer IPA
- Talks with the company Bang Joo Electronics Slovakia
- Delegation of the MTF STU in the Republic of Korea and Japan
- STAFF of ZF Sachs,AG at our faculty
- Visit from Belgium
- Ceremony decree of Dr.h.c. to Academic B. J. Paton
- Visit from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Visit of scientists from Russia and the Ukraine
- Professor Wetzig at the MTF
- Visit from the technical director of BEKAERT at the MTF STU
- Visit from the German company Mühlbauer at the MTF STU
- Visit from the partner faculty FOI Varaždin Zagreb University
- MTF STU negotiated with the company BEKAERT / BELGIUM
- Visit of Professor Katalinič at the MTF STU
- Visit of the Ambassador of Finland to the MTF STU in Trnava
- The agreement on cooperation with the Faculty of Organisation and Informatics, University of Zagreb-Croatia Republic
- Deputy Prime Minister Dusan Caplovic visiting FZD Rossendorf in Germany
- Signed agreement between the POSTECH (Korea Republic) at the MTF STU