The Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava was established on 1 January 1986 by decree of the Czechoslovak Government. It was originally named the Faculty of Machine Technology. However, the history of this Faculty is much older than the date of its establishment shows. Its history is closely connected with the technological branches of machine construction, the foundations of which were laid at the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in the forties. Following the require- ment for diversification of all forms of study and graduate profiles, the Faculty provides Bachelor's degree courses (Bc.), Master's degree courses (Ing.), and postgraduate doctoral (PhD) degree courses. In the present time, about 3500 students study at the Faculty in various courses.
Faculty became an awarded finalist of the Slovak Republic National Quality Award 2008 in the category "other public sector organizations".
The faculty was accredited in the proccess of the Slovak republic academic institutions complex accreditation as university faculty of university type academic institution.