Following are the MTF priorities in the field of science and research:
- To support the development of advanced research workplaces and high-tech laboratories, and their collaboration with practice;
- To establish the first virtual integrated research centres.
Science and research
- To elaborate the intention of centralised research laboratories to replace current decentralised ones;
- To intensify the collaboration with the EU partners in submitting projects to the EU agencies;
- To develop common activities with the foreign partners;
- To support the existing contacts with the partners in the eastern Europe, Russian Federation and Ukraine in particular;
- To enhance the collaboration wit the municipal and regional governments in the field of international research projects;
- To complete the workplace for materials research in the field of spectral microscopy, in co-operation with German partners;
- To orientate the research in a way so that the Faculty becomes a valuable part of a research university regarding the Act N. 131/2001;
- To involve all doctoral students into international grants and enable them to spend at least one semester at a research workplace abroad;
- To involve bachelor and master students into the research activities, regarding the Declaration on Higher Education;
- To gradually complete the material and technical basis for research activity and equip the existing laboratories for the purposes of pedagogical process;
- To complete the section of "Patent documentation and EU standards" within the Central Library;
- To implement the information processes into the librarian services in the CL;
- To design a unified methodology of recording the publication activity within the MtF and STU virtual library.
Foreign relations
- To focus on the neighbouring EU partners: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Poland, ......;
- To provide student international mobility to as many Master degree students as possible, and to all PhD students;
- To prioritise mobility of young researchers and teachers;
- To foster collaboration with foreign universities in inviting visiting professors, associate professors and lecturers for pedagogical process.
Social welfare and personnel development
- To insist on the inauguration procedure for the associate professors in the position of professors (assistant professors);
- To deal with the deficit of university teachers in the positions of associate professors, including via outsourcing;
- To innovate and complete the structure of the faculty staff from the faculty PhD graduates and the graduates of other universities from the region of Trnava.