Study branch | |
prof. Ing. Miloš Čambál, CSc. | Industrial Engineering |
Vice- chair:
prof. Ing. Peter Šugár, CSc. | Machining Technologies and Materials |
prof. Ing. Mária Dománková, PhD. | Materials |
prof. Ing. Roman Koleňák, PhD. | Machining Technologies and Materials |
prof. Ing. Marián Kubliha, PhD. | Materials |
prof. Ing. Martin Kusý, PhD. | Materials |
doc. Ing. Helena Makýšová, PhD. | Industrial Engineering |
prof. Ing. Jozef Martinka, PhD. | Occupational Health and Safety |
Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík | Automation |
doc. Ing. Ladislav Morovič, PhD. | Machining Technologies and Materials |
doc. Ing. Róbert Riedlmajer, PhD. | Machining Technologies and Materials |
prof. Ing. Maroš Soldán, PhD. | Safety Sciences |
doc. Ing. Maximilán Strémy, PhD. | Automation |
prof. Ing. Pavol Tanuška, PhD. | Automation |
prof. Ing. Pavel Važan, PhD. | Automation |
External members:
Ing. Miroslav Božik, PhD. | JAVYS, a.s. Member of the Board of Directors and division director | Automation |
prof. Ing. Robert Čep, Ph.D. | VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, dean of the faculty | Machining Technology |
prof. RNDr. Danica Kačíková, MSc, PhD. | Technical University in Zvolen | Occupational Health and Safety |
Ing. Martin Nosko, PhD. | Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava | Materials engineering and limit states of materials |
prof. Dr. Ing. Milan Sága | University of Žilina | Parts and mechanisms of machines |
prof. Ing. David Tuček, Ph.D. | Tomas Bata University in Zlín | Economy and management |
Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD. MPH. | Dean Civil Faculty TU Košice | Biomedical Engineering |
Čestný externý člen:
Ing. Juraj Václav, PhD. | Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic | Automation |