The New Year's meeting of employees and friends of the MTF STU presented an opportunity to assess the previous year and a foresight of activities that await us in the coming year. The year 2012 was an exceptional success, not only due to the success of the faculty but because it celebrated the 75th anniversary of the STU.
We welcomed special guests – His Magnificency, Rector of the STU - Robert Redhammer, representatives of other universities and faculties, business, cooperating entities and distinguished guests from abroad and Slovakia.
The opening speech was given by the Dean of the faculty - Prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík, who reviewed last year, proudly named faculty achievements and suggested areas where we all need to work together for improvement. He thanked all those who contributed in any way to the growing quality of the faculty, not only to those at home but also to those abroad. (speech)
Each year the New Year's meeting is enriched by a professional lecturer from a personality from the scientific social environment. With honor we welcomed PhDr. Eva Kowalska, DrSc., who gave a lecture about the history of Trnava, as a University Town. (presentation)
The second part of the program was devoted to an evaluation of 2012.
The STU Rector, Prof. Ing. Robert Redhammer, PhD. on this occasion of the 75th STU anniversary award, presented the "Commemorative leaf from the tree of knowledge" to the Professors of the MTF STU. The awarded Professors were: Karol Balog, Ivan Baránek, Dušan Baran, Peter Grgač, Alexander Čaus, Jozef Janovec, Peter Juči, Ján Lokaj, Oliver Moravčík, Milan Marônek, Milan Ožvold, Jozef Peterka, Jozef Sablik, Peter Sakál, Peter Šugár, Milan Turňa, Koloman Ulrich, Miroslav Urban, Karol Velíšek.
The management of the faculty at their meeting on the 14th January 2013 evaluated the proposals for awards in 2012 and decided on the awards in the following categories: best dissertation, best publication, best research team, best collaboration with practice.
List of Awards in 2012:
Best dissertation:
Ing. Thomas Škulavík, PhD. (Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics): Fuzzy control of robotic arm
Ing. Ivona Černičková, PhD. (Institute of Materials): A study of the structure and phase equilibrium in complex metallic alloys of aluminium
Ing. Jana Samáková, PhD. (Institute of Industrial Engineering, Management and Quality): Design methodology of project management as a communication tool for increasing the quality of projects in industrial enterprises within Slovakia
Ing. Marek Zvončan, PhD. (Institute of Production Technology): Research on edgechipping in rotary ultrasonic machining.
The best research team in 2012 is:
The research team led by Prof. RNDr. Milan Ožvold, CSc. The team were:
prof. RNDr. Milan Ožvold, CSc., Ing. Lýdia Rízeková-Trnková, PhD., Ing. Marián Drienovský, PhD., prof. Ing. Milan Turňa, PhD., prof. Ing. Jozef Janovec, DrSc., prof. Ing. Ján Lokaj, PhD.
The best publication in 2012 was by the following authors:
Doc. Ing. Martin Kusý, PhD. (Institute of Materials) – doc. RNDr. Mária Behúlová, PhD. (Institute of Production Systems and Applied Mechanics) – Prof. Ing. Peter Grgač, PhD. (Institute of Materials) : Influence of the thermal history of a particle during atomization on the morphology of carbides in a hypereutectic iron based alloy. In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds.. - Vol. 536 (2012), p. 541-545
For best results obtained in collaboration with practice, the management of the faculty awarded:
doc. Ing. Lubomir Čaplovič, PhD. (Institute of Materials)
Orange Slovakia, a.s. Bratislava gave the awards for 2012, which were presented by Ing. Ivan Golian, CSc. of Applied Informatics and Automation:
For publication output in the field of Applied Informatics and Automation: :
doc. Ing. Pavel Vazan, PhD. (Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics)
For successful project activities in the field of Applied Informatics and Automation:
Ing. Thomas Bezák, PhD. (Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics)
Prva zvaracska, a.s. Bratislava gave an award for the best dissertation in the field of welding. The award was presented by the General Director, visiting Professor Ing. Peter Fodrek, PhD.
The best dissertation work in the field of welding was the work of an MTF STU student:
Ing. Miroslava Sahula, PhD. (Institute of Production Technology) welding of selected composite steel by laser.
The special IGIP award for 2012 was given to the Dean - Prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík, it was presented by Prof. Dr.Sc., Dr.-Ing. Michael E. Auer.
Congratulations to the winners of these awards.
The whole event was hosted by Dr. Robert Sotak.
After the awards, we welcomed the musical group “Ciganski Diabli”, who appreciated the applause for the very wonderful performance they gave.
The New Year's meeting continued with social entertainment and informal discussions.
Photo gallery (all in one)
Translation: Anthony James Ronald Atkinson