Yesterday on the 6th of May 2010 a visit to the FMST SUT was made by : Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic (SR) - Mr Ján Mikolaj General Director of the Ministry of Education of SR for the EU structural funds - Mrs Alexander Drgová, Minister’s Counsellor - Ms. Dagmar Vaněčková. The SUT was represented by the Vice-Rector - Frantisek Janicek and also by his magnificy Rector Professor Bales.
At the beginning of the meeting the Minister gave a short speech which focused on the importance of promoting science and research in its current state. The visit of the Minister was orientated towards the Centre of Excellence 5-axis machining.
In the presence of the Minister and guests the current state of the FMST SUT was presented, the Dean - Prof. Oliver Moravcik presented the vision of the future in a dynamic presentation that mapped the current management of the faculty and predicted the main goals for the future.
Centre 5-axis machining was presented by Professor Peterka in a presentation which was then followed by a tour of the faculty’s equipment this involved a display of the High –Tech CNC HSC machining technology. Prof. Peterka as project manager assessed the outcomes and impacts of building the centre and stressed the importance of the cooperation with ASFEU and its significance of built infrastructure in the work. The minister and guests had the opportunity to directly inspect the machines work with the use of short demonstrations.
The visit of the Minister continued after a brief meeting with the media and a visit to the Technology Museum of the FMST SUT.
The visit from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education on the grounds of the FMST SUT went as expected and we are pleased with his final words and assessment of the benefits of “Centre 5-axis machining”, as well as a spoken recognition of the leadership of the faculty, we can evaluate yesterday's visit as a decent representation of the FMST SUT.