On the 19th to the 21st September 2012 staff from the Institute of Safety and Environmental Engineering of the MTF STU visited the machining faculty of the university of Zelena Hora and the centre of renewable sources of energy at the higher professional school in Sulechow in Poland. Those that visited were:
Ing. Ivana Tureková, PhD., Ing. Kristína Gerulová, PhD., RNDr. Maroš Sirotiak, PhD. and Ing. Jozef Martinka, PhD.
The delegation from the MTF was received by the Rector- Julian Jakubowski, PhD. of the Higher Vocational School in Sulechów. During the following days, they attended a seminar of “Safety and health assurance at work in Slovak and Polish theory and practic”
Finally, a discussion about the possibilities of a student exchange - ERASMUS and the cooperation in solving international scientific projects took placed.
Translation: Anthony James Ronald Atkinson