The graduate of study program Machine engineering technologies and materials:
- commands the actual scientific knowledge in the field of structural materials and their chip and chipless machining, metallurgy of metallic materials, simulation and automation of technological processes including the computer support and application of CA technological systems
- has a deep theoretical background allowing him to solve individually the tasks from the field of machining, welding, brazing/soldering, founding, machine engineering metrology, assembly and CA technologies
- systematic, complete and complex set of knowledge in the specialised field, including the knowledge and understanding of relationships to other parts of specialisation and to the related branches
- deep knowledge of theories, sophisticated methods and procedures of the science and research at the level corresponding to international criteria.
The graduate of study program Machine engineering technologies and materials can:
- identify the issues related to technological processing of structural materials, to analyse them and employ the scientific methods and procedures for their solving
- formulate the scientific hypotheses
- design the experimental methodics for approval or denying of scientific hypotheses
- realize the experiment, statistically process and assess the measured data
- present the achieved own results in front of the national and international community
- apply own findings following from the theoretical analysis and own scientific research of complex and also interdisciplinary character
- consider new concepts and innovations
- design, approve and implement the new research and working procedures
- identify the world-wide scientific and innovation progress in own profession, as well as in the related branches and to utilize it for its further progress.
The graduate of study program Machine engineering technologies and materials is distinguished with:
- critical, independent and analytical thinking in the unpredictable and changeable conditions
- excellent communication skills
- capability to work individually, in a team and to lead a team
- responsibility for the results of own and also team work
- creativity and inventory in the innovation and preparation of the new research and working procedures
- planning of own progress and social development within the context of scientific and technical progress.
Indication of occupations
The graduates of study program Machine engineering technologies and materials will find their application in the top research, scientific or training organisations, regardless whether domestic or international work trade is concerned, and also in the industry on the posts of top development workers or in the top manager functions in the field of management of production departments with a sophisticated production technology, in the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, on the faculties of technical universities and universities of production-technological orientation. Moreover, they can be employed in the organisations providing further professional education.
The graduate of study program Machine engineering technologies and materials can be applied as:
- specialist for the research and development in machine engineering
- leading research and development worker in machine engineering
- research and development engineer in machine engineering
- research and development manager in machine engineering
- specialist in machine engineering (automotive) production
- managing worker (manager) in machine engineering production
- machine engineering specialist – designer, project manager
- welding engineer
- machine engineering specialist - technologist
- machine engineering specialist in the field of quality
- lecturer at the university
- member of the Police forces in the Department of criminal-expertise activities.
Application of graduates at actual employers
The graduates of study program Machine engineering technologies and materials are employed in:
Schaeffler Skalica, Ltd. (Ing. Pavol Miša) ZF Slovakia Inc. (Ing. …)
BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia Ing. (Ing. Marek Zvončan, PhD., Ing. Peter Zemko, PhD.)
The Research and Development Centre of Podbrezová Steelworks Ltd. (Ing. Pavol Beraxa, PhD., Ing. Milan Mojžiš, PhD.)
MASAM Ltd., MASAM R&D Ltd. (Ing. Rudolf Zaujec, PhD.),
SOVA Digital Inc. (Ing. Milan Lokšík, PhD.)
Eiben, Ltd., Vlkanová (Ing. Eugen Eiben)
GÜHRING Slovakia, Ltd. (Ing. Rastislav Jančovič, PhD., Ing. Matej Bračík, PhD.)
Relevant interested parties: Relevant external interested parties, which provided the statement or assent to conformity of the achieved qualification with the sector-specific requirements for performing the occupation[1]. Relevant external interested parties are specified in each program – at least the statements are provided.
Guarantor: Prof. Ing. Roman Koleňák, PhD.,
Study advisor: Prof. Ing. Milan Marônek, CSc.,