To be eligible to apply for the PhD. study, the applicant must have accomplished the second stage of the engineering (Master) study.
The study at STU MTF is carried out in a full-time or part-time form. The part-time form of study is paid for. The standard length of the full-time study is four years; in the part-time form of study it is five years. The applicant can study the selected study programme in the Slovak or English language. The applicants have to take the entrance examination. The fee for the application per one study programme in the English language is 50€.
Important dates
- Date for submitting the electronic application into the information system: 31 May 2025
- Payment of the fee for entrance examination: 31 May 2025
- Date of the entrance examination 16 June 2025
- Date of the Dean´s Committee for the admission of applicants: 20 June 2025
- Enrolment: e-enrolment on July 2025, personal registration on September 2025
Fee for material preparation of the admission procedure
The fee for the material preparation of the admission procedure is 50€ for the application per one study programme in the English language. We strongly recommend to execute the payment for e-application directly via e-application (payment gateaway). In case of the payment via bank transfer it is necessary to introduce a variable symbol (each application has its own unique generated variable symbol) and add to the note the applicant´s surname, name and abbreviation of the study programme
Tuition fee (exceeding the standard length of study, part-time form of study)
The study for the applicant who applies for the part-time study shall be paid throughout the entire study time-period. The applicant who has already been included in the doctoral study at the university in the previous time-period, will be accepted, enrolled, and in case of exceeding the standard length of study (4 years – full-time study, 5 years – part-time study) will be obliged to pay the tuition fee appropriately in compliance with the Rector´s Directive.
Mandatory appendices to the application
Please send the appendices to the application to the following address:
MTF STU so sídlom v Trnave
študijné oddelenie (Registrar´s Office)
Ulica Jána Bottu č. 2781/25
917 24 Trnava
In case of any question contact:
Mgr. Renáta Ivančíková, email:, +421 918 646 005
In case the applicant has accomplished the study abroad:
- the decision on the approval of the certificate on higher education qualifications issued by the foreign university (§ 33 – Sec. 33 of the Act No. 422/2015). The application for the recognition of the certificate shall be submitted to STU Bratislava, Rectorate, Department of Education and Students´ Care, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava 1,
- certified copy of the confirmation/certificate of an accomplished course in the Slovak language as a foreign language, minimum at level B1. The certificate shall be submitted only by the applicant who applies for the study programme in the Slovak language (the certificate is not submitted by Slovak or Czech citizens who accomplished their higher education studies abroad). The certified copy shall be delivered to the Faculty on the last day of the time period designated for the acceptance of applications at the latest, and it should comprise the following information: the number of lessons, level of the Slovak language competence, and how the course was accomplished.
Recognition of the level of foreign higher education qualifications (international agreements)
To be granted the points in the category of Scientific, artistic and expertise activities, the applicant is obliged to submit to the Registrar´s Office the following:
- certified list of published and unpublished papers, eventually reviews to these papers,
- certified copies of certificates of attending the Student Research Conferences together with their positions on the first, second or third place,
- certified copies of any other documents of significant expert activities.
The documents stated in points 1 and 2 shall be accepted only if their certified copies are not older than five years. Publication for which the applicant can be granted the points in the admission procedure are stated in detail in Annex 1 of the Directive Further provisions for the admission of applicants to the doctoral degree study programmes at STU MTF in Trnava
Length of study
The Faculty offers the doctoral study in the full-time and part-time form. The standard length of the study is as follows: full-time study – 4 years, part-time study – 5 years.
Language in the doctoral stage of study
All offered full-time and part-time doctoral study programmes are provided in the Slovak language, and some selected study programmes also in the English language.
For those foreign applicant who are interested to study their study programme in the Slovak language, STU organizes courses in the Slovak language lasting 1 year. We strongly recommend to take the course one year before applying for the study. More information can be provided by STU in Bratislava, Institute of life-long education
The accepted applicant to both forms of the doctoral study (in Slovak, In English) will pass the foreign language training only in the English language during his studies. Information on English for Science and Technology (EST) training for the 1st year PhD students enrolling in the academic year 2025/2026
Requirements for the admission to the study
The basic requirement for being admitted to the doctoral study is to accomplish the master study. The applicant who fails to submit the certificate of their master study accomplishment, can be accepted under the condition that they shall submit the certificate on the day of their enrolment to the study at the latest. The entrance examination for each applicant for the doctoral study at STU MTF is the part of the admission procedure.
Dissertation thesis topics
The applicant applies for a specific dissertation thesis topic and shall state the name and the form of the selected study programme. Dissertation thesis topics list
On the related webpage, section *type of thesis* the applicant selects the dissertation thesis either according to its supervisor, institute, or workplace, and study the details of the related dissertation thesis topic.
Entrance examination
The entrance examination is usually oral and focused on learning about the applicant´s prerequisites and motivation for independent creative activities in the field of science and technology as well as on learning about the applicant´s expert knowledge in the particular study branch in which the doctoral study programme is carried out. The written test on verifying the applicant’s English language competence i the part of the entrance examination.
The entrance examination can be executed also via videoconference if approved by the Dean. Shall the applicant not be able to attend the entrance examination in person; they shall submit the application for the possibility to take the entrance examination online. The applicant is obliged to submit such an application till the end of May at the latest.
The written test verifying the English language competence the part of the entrance examination. Information on the English for Science and Technology (EST) test within the PhD study entrance exam in the academic year 2025/2026
Accredited study programmes
If you want to learn more about the particular study programme, click on the name of the study programme.
PN - planned number of accepted applicants, FTF – full-time form of study, PTF – part-time form of study.
Process Automation and Informatization
Place of study: Trnava, Study branch: cybernetics, PN: FTF - in Slovak: 4, in English: 1, PTF – in Slovak: 3, in English: 1
Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Materials
Place of study: Trnava, Study branch: mechanical engineering, PN: FTF - in Slovak: 5, in English: 0, PTF – in Slovak: 3, in English: 0
- module Industrial Engineering
Place of study: Trnava, Study branch: cybernetics, PN: FTF - in Slovak: 3, in English: 1, PTF - in Slovak: 3, in English: 1
- module Personnel Policy in Industrial Plant
Place of study: Trnava, Study branch: cybernetics, PN: FTF - in Slovak: 2, in English: 1, PTF - in Slovak: 3, in English: 1
Integrated safety
Place of study: Trnava, Study branch: cybernetics, PN: FTF - in Slovak: 2, in English: 1, PTF – in Slovak: 3, in English: 1
Progressive materials and material design
Place of study: Trnava, Study branch: cybernetics, PN: FTF - in Slovak: 3, in English: 3, PTF - in Slovak: 3, in English: 1