Projects of the Department in 2012:
- VEGA 1/0226/12 Correspondence of Ján Kvačala 1860-1934
Research period: 2012-2014. Principle investigator: L. Bernát. The project deals with the unknown correspondence of Ján Kvačala, a renowned comeniologist (1862-1934).
- KEGA (026STU-4/2012) Students of Slovakia at the Prague and Brno technical universities in the interwar period
Research period: 2012 – 2014. Principle investigator: L. Bernát. The project studies the social, confessional and nationality structure of the students of Slovakia at the Prague and Brno technical universities, as well as formation of technical intelligentsia in Slovakia in the interwar period.
- KEGA (052STU-4/2013) Application of the standards of critical thinking in the innovation of the subject “Introduction into scientific work at STU”
Research period: 2013 – 2015. Principle investigator: M. Bednáriková.
The project is focused on the innovation of the subject “Introduction into scientific work at STU”, accentuating the method of systems approach towards the development of critical thinking and research competences within Master’s study. Proposal of the standard system for the field of critical thinking development and selected cognitive abilities of the engineering university students, as well as the framework for their evaluation are in compliance with the European Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Framework.