KEGA 3/6216/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
Ing. Krpálková Krelová Katarína, PhD.
Application of the subject "Guide to the enterprise" to the study program teaching of technical professions subjects, Master degree at MTF in Trnava
The European Union stakes out the spirit of enterprise development in all schools types and grades as one of the main goals in the education sphere. Education is a new idea to the enterprise and its contents are not stabilized yet. The submitted project deals with this problem and develops the curriculum of the subject "Guide to the enterprise".
KEGA 3/6253/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
Ing. Milan Petráš, CSc.
The greatest of the great, the correspondence of Prof. Ing. Aurel Boleslav Stodola /1859-1942/.
The project is aimed at translating, editing and publishing all the available letters of A. Stodola to his brothers and A. Einstein. There is a grand collection of 130 letters of the years 1876-1943 available so far. Stodola‘s letters (saved from being lost by the project leader) to his brothers were partially used by Ivan Stodola, the playwrite, in Náš strýko Aurel (Our Uncle Aurel, Bratislava, 1968). The intended publication will contain an introductory study and iconographical material and will provide new (hidden so far) aspects of this famous scientist, professor, constructor and philosopher's biography.
KEGA 3/6026/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
doc. Ing. Hrmo Roman, PhD.
Innovation study program teaching of technical professions subjects in MTF STU
The goal of the research team is the evaluation and innovation of the study programme Teaching of technical professions subjects, which was accredited at MTF STU. The researchers intend to introduce the following innovation into practice: optimization profile of a graduate in study programme and placement of a graduate on the labour market, optimization of proportions between lectures and exercises in the study programme, improvement of the study materials and innovation of teaching methods.
VEGA 1/3640/06 (01.01.2006-31.12.2008)
Silvester Sawicki, Mgr., PhD.
Psychological, pedagogical and psychospiritual methods of diagnosis of psychospiritual crisis and ways of impact on it
Our project is focused on the diagnosis of psycho-spiritual crisis (frequently confused with mental diseases) and possibilities of its psychological, educational, social and spiritual impact. This phenomenon appears in the phase of spiritual maturation and transformation of personality. It is manifested by temporary mental and social disorders with some signs of a mental disease. The American Psychiatrists Association (APA) has labelled it as a spiritual emergency (DSM IV), as non-psychotic diagnosis. They recommend non-psychiatric treatment. APA advises to treat it with psychological, social, educational and spiritual methods. At present, we still do not have relevant diagnostic methods and techniques for its distinction from mental diseases. Most of the psychologists and psychiatrists do not differentiate psycho-spiritual crisis from psychotic diseases, mainly schizophrenia, because of prejudices towards spiritual experiences.
VEGA 1/4547/07 (01.01.2007-31.12.2008)
Bernát Libor, PhDr., ThMgr., CSc.
MIkuláš Drábik - a prophet, mystifier and chiliast
The main concern of the project focuses on the person of clergyman Mikulas Drabik (+1671) and the analysis of his writings. As a clergymen, he worked as a co-worker with Jan Amos Comenius (up to 1628) in Lednica. The project tries to reconstruct his curriculum vitae, based on Drabik's own biography. There is also the ambition to analyse his writings - especially Lux ex tenebris, Mikulase Drabika Zjevení (1617-1671), a heritage of Rottal in the Morava Regional Archives in Brno. The main emphasis is on Drabik's ideas development and his millenaristic, eschatologistic and apocalyptic claims. Comenius polemics with his fellows will be included as well.
VEGA 1/0185/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
doc. PaedDr. Marián Merica, PhD.
Optimisation of motor programs as the basis for health improvement and the development of fitness and sports performance capacity.
Solving the way of how to stop the increase of occurence of some kinds of illnesses and health defects. Finding the possibilities of hypokinetics remotion of the pre-school, school and university population on the basis of characteristics of their health condition, evaluation of their attitude to movement and to individual specific motor activities, and on the basis of their body and motor development analysis in the following sports: swimming, tennis, athletics, football, body building, baseball and softball. Searching of motor programs optimisation with the aim of increasing the fitness and sport performance of our programs.