Supervisor |
Project title |
Duration of project |
Kind of project |
doc. Ing. Jana Šujanová, CSc. |
Centre for development of the competencies in the field of industrial engineering and management |
2013 |
2015 |
national project EU |
doc. Ing. Iveta Paulová, PhD. |
Distance Education in the Efficiency Improvement Methods and Total Quality Management Effectiveness area |
2005 |
2007 |
national project KEGA |
doc. Mgr. Dagmar Cagáňová, PhD. |
Festival of Science as a platform for intensifying cooperation between V4 region universities |
2013 |
2015 |
international project |
prof. Ing. Miloš Čambál, CSc. |
The identification of sustainable performance key parameters in industrial enterprises within multicultural environment |
2012 |
2014 |
national project VEGA |
prof. Ing. Jarmila Šalgovičová, CSc. |
Implementation of Quality Management in Non-governmental Health-Service Institutions |
2006 |
2008 |
national project VEGA |
doc. Mgr. Dagmar Cagáňová, PhD. |
The Exchange of Knowledge within Alternative Economic Systems with Aim of Sustainable Regional Development |
2013 |
2014 |
international project |
doc. Mgr. Dagmar Cagáňová, PhD. |
The International Cooperation Network of educational and research institution with subcontractors and other bodies active in Automotive Industry |
2009 |
2012 |
international project |
doc. Ing. Andrea Chlpeková, PhD. |
Key manager competence in the range of specific functional management areas and their applicable development concept |
2008 |
2010 |
national project VEGA |
prof. Ing. Peter Sakál, CSc. |
Concept of the HCS model 3E vs. concept of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) |
2009 |
2013 |
national project APVV - Programme LPP |
doc. Ing. Jana Šujanová, CSc. |
Project Management Processes Maturity Control as a Tool for the improvement of the mechanical engineering enterprisses competitiveness |
2009 |
2011 |
national project VEGA |
doc. Ing. Jana Šujanová, CSc. |
Information Quality Management in Project Management within the Industrial Enterprises in the Slovak Republic |
2012 |
2014 |
national project VEGA |
doc. Ing. Iveta Paulová, PhD. |
Perspectives of quality management development in coherence with requirements of Slovak republic market |
2008 |
2010 |
national project VEGA |
prof. Ing. Alexander Linczényi, CSc. |
Project of distance education in quality management |
2002 |
2004 |
national project KEGA |
prof. Ing. Jarmila Šalgovičová, CSc. |
Project of distance education in quality management of non-governmental health-service institutions field |
2005 |
2007 |
national project KEGA |
doc. Ing. Jana Šujanová, CSc. |
Rationalisation and improvement of the of Industrial Management study programme to support career consultancy |
2012 |
2013 |
national project EU |
prof. Ing. Jozef Sablik, CSc. |
Transformation of ergonomics program into the company management structure through integration and utilization QMS, EMS, HSMS |
2013 |
2015 |
national project VEGA |
doc. Ing. Rudolf Rybanský, CSc. |
Creation of teaching material of the secondary school subject "security technology" with using of interactivity MM of education software and e-learning |
2010 |
2011 |
national project KEGA |
Ing. Vanessa Prajová, PhD. |
The research of Games Learning applications impact into the educational process effectiveness in newly accredited study course: Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering |
2015 |
2016 |
other national project |
doc. Ing. Renata Nováková, PhD. |
Introduce a subject "Management of Quality" on Secondary schools |
2005 |
2007 |
national project KEGA |
prof. Ing. Peter Sakál, CSc. |
Implementation of the subject " Corporate Social Responsibility Entrepreneurship" into the study programme Industrial management in the second degree at MTF STU Trnava |
2012 |
2014 |
national project KEGA |
Ing. Rastislav Beňo, PhD. |
Zvýšenie technickej vedomostnej základne a praktických zručností pedagógov a študentov UPMK v rámci koncepcie "Digitálny podnik" (043/13RT) |
2013 |
2014 |
other national project |