LPP-0171-07 (01.04.2008-31.03.2011)
Ing. Anna Michalíková
Natural phenomena in experiments for children and adults
After consultations with the basic and secondary school teachers, a communication portal oriented on the following ideas will be developed: environmental education and health, physics in common life, astronomy, alternative energy sources, wastes and recycling. The website will contain e-materials with visual experiments which cannot be carried out in the classroom due to the dangerous chemicals and the absence of related tools and instruments. The e-learning courses developed in collaboration with the teachers could be used in pedagogical process and also in the preparation of talented students for specialised competitions and will be available for interested parties. The project output will facilitate the communication with public, teachers and students of basic and secondary schools.
VMSP-P-0054-07 (06.08.2008-07.08.2008)
doc. Ing. Jozef Jasenák, PhD.
Optimisation and research of palletes components by progressive technologies
Optimisation and research of palletes components systems for tyres, automobiles, automobile components, rolled profiles etc. will utilise the introduction of the elements and nods on a palette via semi-automatic and automatic process, as well as the progressive ways of production of the components such as plasma, laser and cutting which are currently replacing classical technologies. The research of the optimal construction of the basic frame regarding the type of loading capacity is an important component of the research. The palettes have limited dynamic load and life cycle. The automated system will be based on the calculation of the new construction of the palette and its components, which directly influences the dynamic load, lifecycle and also the price on the market with tough competition.
KEGA 3/6431/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
doc. Ing. Černecký Jozef, CSc.
Determination of emission quantification and indicators of atmosphere quality in the European legislation cinditions
Project is focused on particular results of the state and production of atmosphere
VEGA 1/0488/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
doc. Ing. Ivana Tureková, PhD.
Enviromental impacts of the fire-fighting foams from the extinguishing fires in nature
If fires in nature are not extinguished early, they can seriously endanger nature. Fire-fighting foams used by the fire-interventions bring these substances into natural environment and can cause the contamination of environment. It is important therefore to know the foam in terms of fire-fighting properties and also of the enviromental impact. Due to the absence of information about ecotoxicological properties and biological degradation of fire-fighting foams, the physical and chemical properties and also the effect external conditions on the effeciency and stability of foam will be searched. The valuation system of parameters and screening for selection of foams will be also designed. This information is necesary to reduce the negative impact on environment.
VEGA 1/0798/08 (01.01.2008-31.12.2010)
doc. Ing. Stanislav Hostin, PhD.
Development and utilization of small hydroenergetic power source combined with solar systems in machine Technologies
Small hydroenergetic power source with rolling fluid machine represents a unique, patent protected device working on a yet unknown hydrodynamic principal. The device rolling fluid machine is of a simple construction. It is able convert hitherto not utilize, low hydropotential to mechanic or electric energy with function of the rolling fluid machine. On the base of this finding, together with methods of hydraulic with methods of hydraulic similarity of machines, to model various types of hydroenergetic sources. Also designed and testing small hydroenergetic power source combined with solar equipment that to utilize in machine technologies for example to producing electrical energy on power supplying measurement and regulation systems, to pumping, transport, heating or cooling liquids etc.