Fázik, M.: |
Sources of ignition in everyday life |
Holkovič, M.: |
Health and safety occupations in elementary school |
Horváthová, M.: |
Occupational health and safety by work in gym equipment at elementary schools |
Chovanec, P.: |
Risk assesment in paint stores |
Košťál, M.: |
Accident investigations and their prevention |
Bodzionyová, B.: |
Environmental impacts of the landfill Vlčie hory |
Križanová, A.: |
Study of sorptive facilities of zeolites by means of radiochemical methods |
Bohunická, J.: |
Progressive technologies of radioactive waste processing |
Brezovanová, J.: |
The assessment of separate waste collection in a selected region |
Kusý, R.: |
Safety Management System Development |
Dančová, B.: |
Additive substances in edibles and HACCP |
Doháňoš, M.: |
Analyse of volatile organic compounds |
Lajmon, M.: |
Investigation of accidents in praxis |
Dovinová, J.: |
The assessment of impacts of wind power forecast Báb on the environment |
Ferančíková, R.: |
New possibilities for obtaining and biomass modification for energy utilization |
Lukačovič, M.: |
Screening measurement noise in the company ZF Boge Elastmetall Slovakia |
Očenášová, B.: |
Modern methods in ergonomic risk assessment |
Pápay, M.: |
Appraisal suitability of selected protective means for a selected profession |
Galbičková, B.: |
Computer modeling of altitude dependence of stratospheric ozone |
Pastier, M.: |
Study of burning selected plastics |
Guoth, A.: |
Monitoring of surface water quality in the water reservoir Suchá |
Polák, T.: |
Informative and Safety Marking of Products for Home Usage |
Hanzelová, A.: |
Study of alternative possibilities of waste water cleaning |
Hátaš, P.: |
Progressive methods of radioactive waste processing |
Reho, I.: |
Monitoring of radiation burden of mammographic workplace environment |
Hrušecká, J.: |
Appraisal of new trends in waste recycling |
Chvostiková, J.: |
Monitoring of surface water quality in the river Parná |
Klimentová, R.: |
Analysis of effectiveness of communal waste manipulation in the town of Pezinok |
Štepanovičová, A.: |
Caution and notification requirements in case of nuclear incidents on nuclear devices at Bohunice locality |
Legény, M.: |
The occurence and methods of assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and bottom sediments |
Lopatková, M.: |
Utilization of hydromotor Setur in combination with solar collectors |
Trebatická, M.: |
Appraisal of the Plan of prevention Cross-dock GEFCO Slovakia |
Máčalková, J.: |
Natural pharmacy and Cosmetic chemistry |
Ušák, M.: |
Assessment of safety for work of a welder and suitability of used personal protection equipment |
Meravý, M.: |
Processing of waste rubber in Mitas, a.s., VÚ Zlín |
Viselka, P.: |
Selection of appropriate personal protective equipment in the process of blast cleaning and spraying |
Mihálková, A.: |
Ecotoxicity assessment by the activated sludge |
Mikleová, N.: |
Exploitation of remedial technologies in removing environmental loads |
Múčka, P.: |
Energy appraisal of constructions and suggestion for using suitable substances in light of their energy balance |
Šprochová, R.: |
Monitoring of characteristics of devices for direct solar energy utilization |
Nádašská, Z.: |
Study of Biodegradability conforming to OECD 302 B |
Pavličko, P.: |
Study of possibilities for sewage sludge utilization and disposal |
Švaňová, K.: |
Environmental charges of region Spiš-Gemer |
Arvajová, Z.: |
Environmental charges of region Žiarska kotlina |
Tóthová, K.: |
Efficiency of waste water treatment plant Slovnaft |
Petrášová, M.: |
Influence of winter road servicing on soil structure in Harmanec valley |
Priecel, J.: |
The monitoring quality of a chosen water-course |
Truchliková, K.: |
Evaluation of the waste economy system in selected region |
Radošinský, P.: |
The chances for exploitation of bottom sediments |
Rau, Ľ.: |
The chemical analysis of mineral water |
Urbanová, D.: |
Monitoring the degradation of physical properties of soils |
Rybár, Ľ.: |
Water treatment process assessment in nuclear power industry |
Szabová, J.: |
Efficiency assessment of sewage clarification plant at the RAJO a.s. |
Vymazalová, M.: |
Forestallment for decrease of soil erosion in selected location |
Šergovičová, M.: |
Monitoring of ground waters quality in the village Pác |
Zvonár, P.: |
"Lampenflora" problematics in public open caves in Slovakia |
Krajčovičová, K.: |
Integrated prevention and control of ai |
Kučerová, P.: |
Possible uses for mining waste |