Adamičková, I.:
Industrial water - source, processing and use of nuclear power
Andelková, V.:
Consideration of actual state of dangerous industrial accidents prevention in the company Chemolak a.s. Smolenice
Belčík, M.:
Analysis of risk by What-if? and Checklist methods
Belianská, V.:
Comprehensive assessment of indoor environment
Belko, P.:
The Work Safety of Drivers of the Transport of Goods in the Environment of
the Enterprise Slovak Expedition s.r.o.
Beňová, Z.:
Evaluating microclimatic conditions at the selected workplace
Birčák, B.:
Monitoring of radiation characteristics in the process of radioactive waste treatment
Blejštil, V.:
Radiation safety as a part of Safety and Health at Work in nuclear energetic
Bobušová, M.:
Utilization of biogas in Slovakia
Bočková, K.:
Basic methods of measuring and assessing the factors of thermal-humidity microclimate
Bučková, A.:
Security at a shooting range and adjacent surroundings
Bučková, Š.:
The study of ozonization influence to selected metal working fluids
Caletka, R.:
Analysis of the risk of fire in the selected premises in the company INA Skalica
Černeková, T.:
Possibilities of selected metalworking fluids ecotoxicity assessment
Čurila, M.:
The impact of the introduction of alternative transport fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Dovičič, M.:
Biogas production from biomass to produce electrical energy by fuel
Dragulová, Z.:
Biogas plant as a technological unit of biomass processing
Ďurechová, D.:
Assessment of noise nuisance in the workplace
Ďurica, A.:
Biogas utilization in fuel cells
Fabianová, K.:
Possibilities of nitrate removal from the water by Lemna minor
Fančovičová, K.:
Breakdown of selected waste composting
Frajka, B.:
Duty operators containing fluorinated greenhouse gases
Fraňová, A.:
Studying the size of dust particles
Galbička, I.:
Monitoring of radioactive outfalls from nuclear energetic as a part of human health protection
Golej, M.:
The requirements for the storage of flammable substances in the enterprises
Hesko, M.:
Shipments of spent nuclear fuel by rail
Hilka, M.:
Health and safety during rail welding on the rail superstructure in ŽSR environment
Horváth, J.:
Lighting effect on safety at work
Hrdá, A.:
Transportation and Safety
Hrebíček, M.:
Production of gas emissions in grain drying operations
Hubinská, T.:
Utilization of non-conventional biosorbents for removing hexavalent chromium from water
Husarčík, M.:
The release of fouling from the burning of chosen kinds of plastics
Iľko, I.:
Emission monitoring of selected parameters at Slovenské elektrárne a.s., thermal power plant in Nováky
Janečková, G.:
Improving the system of municipal waste separation
Juhás, B.:
Disposal accident acid bases
Káloši, Š.:
Working at heights analysis in term of Health & Safety in an industrial concern
Kocsis, A.:
The analysis of fire fighting methods with large atmospheric storage tanks
Kubíková, D.:
Assessment of biomass for bioethanol production
Kubovičová, B.:
The analysis of the risks on the particular office of the STSZ COMPANY
Kučerková, M.:
The significance of nuclear reactors in modern society and their environmental aspects
Lacko, T.:
Study of the basic characteristics of the selected hydraulic motor Setur
Laczo, M.:
Emergency scenarios for release of hazardous substances
Lehotová, K.:
Studying the use of selected types of biomass for bioethanol production
Lukačovičová, R.:
Car wrecks as a source of materials and raw materials in company ŽP EKO QELET a.s. Martin
Lunáková, Z.:
Analysis of the industrial accidents in the ZSSK Slovak rail
Mahút, M.:
The evaluation of using sediments of sewage in Slovakia
Malovcová, M.:
Dealing with selected types of waste in PSA Peugeot Citroën Slovakia
Marinescu, M.:
The assessment of lighting in teaching rooms
Mašková, I.:
Monitoring of ground water quality in the selected location
Matejová, M.:
The analytical methods of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons determination
Melicherová, J.:
Electrolytic preparation and use of hydrogen
Mokošová, M.:
An analysis of plastics recovery options in the SR
Mydliar, K.:
Initiatory sources and effects on flammability of flammable liquids
Nikel, P.:
Requirements for safe of lifting equipments
Orgoň, P.:
Waste management analysis of JIT plant Johnson Controls
Peričková, K.:
The draft measures to the application of ergonomics in the company I.D.C.HOLDING, SpA, o.z. Trnava
Pietriková, D.:
Recovery of the used tyres in an environmentally friendly product
Požgay, M.:
Analysis of risks at work during electrical installation jobs at building site
Prechtlová, M.:
Rating working conditions in term of sight charge in the bank sector
Ridzoňová, J.:
Treatment of water for industrial purposes in the company Amylum Slovakia s.r.o. in Boleraz
Salay, V.:
Safety of rail transport Slovakia
Samolej, D.:
Safe work with pesticides
Siebenstich, D.:
Operation of a new system of aeration on waste water treatment plant Slovnaft (joint stock company)
Sihelská, M.:
Integration of applied system ISO 9001 and new requirements ISO 14001 in conditions of Brezno industry, Ltd
Strémiová, H.:
Processing procedures for handling waste water discharges under the water act
Šarvaic, P.:
Objectivism of lighting in manufacturing corporation Samsung Voderady
Ščípa, M.:
Requirements for safety maintenance and revision of the electric fire signalization
Škrhová, H.:
Environmental safety and food labelling as a means of informing consumers
Škvarková, D.:
Fighting fires in high rise buildings
Šoltésová, A.:
Possibilities for recovery and disposal sealants of a paint shop
Štefko, T.:
Passive houses
Šuran, J.:
Rules for the safety and protection of health in the environment of the controlled zone of the nuclear power plant.
Tkáčová, M.:
FMEA and its role in analysis and risk management
Tureková, B.:
Reviewing the work safety and health protection in heights and above free depths
Tušš, A.:
Evaluation of safety and health at work and operation at ŽSR under the influence of illegal junk yards
Urban, J.:
Evaluation of possible risk factors of electromagnetic emission
Valentová, V.:
Product Safety and Risk Assessment
Vargová, O.:
Evaluation of drinking water disinfection methods in The West Slovak tank company
Vengrínová, H.:
Appraisal and prediction of the noise on the working place in terms of security and prevention of health at the work
Vicianová, I.:
Analysis and safe management process while transporting dangerous materials with a chosen train loading dock within the Slovak Republic Railways
Víglaš, Ľ.:
Evaluation of pressure effects of vapour cloud explosion of selected dangerous substance in SLOVNAFT, Plc.
Vlček, V.:
Evaluation of sediment purified by physical-chemical sewage tank
Vretenárová, O.:
Risks of chemicals and their elimination
Vyskoč, M.:
Hazards of asbestos dust
Zigo, J.:
Analysis of sources and causes of work injuries and their prevention