Bacigálová, Katarína: Study of fire-technical properties of polystyrene
Balluch, Richard: Unexpected reactions to treatment of the hazardous chemicals and wastes
Cesneková, Zuzana: Application of fire-technical characteristics of industrial powders in praxis
Cuninka, Pavol: Objectification of noise load on the selected department
Čapkovičová, Dana: Personal Dosimetry and Radiological Protection
Čičková, Jana: Investigation of thermal deposits in porous materials wetted with oil by self heating
Dobšovič, Matej: Safety aspects at work in the paint shop
Doktor, Vladimír: The human factor as a source of threats and ways of its elimination
Dovala, Jaroslav: The liberalisation of the railways and risks of goods transportation
Draxlerová, Mária: Safety aspects at work in the paint shop
Ďubeková, Anna: Health and safety in forest extraction
Dubovský, Dávid: The objectivisation of noise in VUJE a.s. at the department of construciton and development workshop
Duda, Ján: The prevention of the organization accidents
Fekete, Ľubomír: Requirements for safe operation of the car repair shop
Fúčela, Michal: Safety requirements for operating of the football stadium
Gromerová, Miroslava: Fuel storage and distribution
Habala, Štefan: The Analyze of human health risk in car service
Habánek, Peter: Occupational Health and Safety at the Wastewater Treatment Plant
Hesko, Marek: Shipments of spent nuclear fuel by rail
Hlubík, Matúš: Radiation safety during transportation of radioactive waste on the roads in the area of nuclear power plant
Holec, Maroš: Security on high voltage and work on the B-command
Chrenková, Barbora: Management System for Road Transportation Safety
Kamzíková, Tatiana: Reporting in relation to environmental, health, safety and sustainable development
Kiš-Petyová, Adela: The analysis of the risks in the woodworking industry
Klenkovič, Rudolf: Storage of dangerous substances in terms of REACH and CLP
Kleštinec, Andrej: Risk Management process identified the reliability of technological equipment
Kováč, Michal: Working environment with the presence of dust
Kúdela, Jozef: Safety and protection of health at work in construction company
Kunšteková, Lucia: Monitoring the quality of surface water in the watercourse Morava
Kuracina, Marcel: Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Kutálek, Martin: Safety and health risks of anthropogenic nanoparticles
Kutálková, Dana: Work with laser devices
Madara, Jaroslav: Study of burning tyres
Máriková, Zuzana: The assessment of flood protection measures in the selected region
Masaryková, Mária: Safety aspects of loading goods into the railway wagons
Masník, Michal: Security system of machines during repair or maintenance
Miča, Pavol: Safety and environmental aspects of the technological use of chromium compounds
Mišík, Jozef: Polymers – raw material, product, waste
Mitašová, Anita: Risk managment at work in Slovak shipyard in Komárno SpA Bratislava
Modrovská, Gabriela: The risk analysis of work at heights
Obalová, Lucia: Disposal of hazardous waste from health facilities
Ometáková, Katarína: Influence of noise on biulders and noise effect on environment
Pűšpőkyová, Margita: Assessment of the occupational safety in producing the compact cask for the spent fuel
Remžová, Dominika: Entrance training on machinery, equipment and workplacesunder the safety and occupational health in Swedwood Majcichov
Salvet, Rastislav: Methods of identifying hazards
Sobota, Marek: Determination of activation energy of ignition of oak and teak wood
Šandor, Denis: Hazards in storage of flammable gas
Širůček, Stanislav: Application of OSH in the structures of the Ministry of Defence
Štefáková, Lucia: Waste incineration Technologies
Štefáková, Zuzana: Review of store of hazardous chemical substances
Tibenská, Lenka: The checklist for rapid assessment for safe storage of materials
Vašina, Daniel: Assessment of the occupational safety in producing the compact cask for the spent fuel
Vidlička, Vladimír: OSH lead rechargeable batteries and electrical equipment energized
Viskup, Peter: Considering security status of restricted technical devices in Fremach Trnava
Vráblik, Roman: Shot firing and safety
Žáková, Paulína: Safe using of portable fire extinguishers on F fire class