Michelčíková, V.: The risk analysis of the technological line in the stone-pit in Malužiná
Bátora, E.: Risk analysis for selected intervention of fire and rescue service members
Polák, E.: Risk analysis of activities the Fire and Rescue Service on public roads
Kaiser, P.: Analysis of residual risks
Blanárik, R.: Safe handling of spent nuclear fuel
Lelák, M.: Safe work with sewage sludge
Bako, R.: Health and safety at work of motor trucks
Vargová, A.: Safety and health at work, protection of staff COOP Jednota Trnava, SD.
Kotúčková, M.: Health and safety in the production of steel construction
Grebeči, M.: Health and safety in events in theatre
Cingel, Z.: Coolilng systems assurance
Hornický, J.: Safety at work when command, control and signaling are powered under conditions of the Railways of the Slovak Republic
Ružbacká, I.: Safety at work blasting in quarry
Mikulčík, R.: Labour safety in maintenance and repair activities within profession of mechanic for control and management system
Fedorco, J.: Safety work with explosives
Hajdúch, J.: The safety of transport, loading and unloading of cement products
Lehutová, S.: The safety and ergonomic assessment of the accounting work
Svátek, J.: Safety aspects of the operation of substations
Kolarik, I.: Safety requirement for the operation of moving railroad engines
Pfeiffer, R.: Safety requirements in the reconstruction of the production plant
Smolka, J.: Chemical hazards and their description
Mokrá, V.: Degradation of dangerous organic substances
Váryová, S.: Environmental and Safety audit in the pharmaceutical company
Wachter, I.: Physical risk and their description
Laurinčík, J.: Emergency planning in manipulating and handling process liquids
Drhová, J.: Emergency planning in handling with hazardous substances
Král, L.: Emergency planning for chlorine leakage in Slovalco a.s. Žiar nad Hronom
Žemlová, J.: Noise at work in a welding workshop and its consequences
Lužáková, L.: Complex safety appraisal of ADLO door fabrication process
Mikulová, M.: Comprehensive Safety Solution to Storage Operation of Steel Components
Schreiber, P.: Methods of risk assessment human factor
Dikejová, V.: Proposal of advance for work with unwanted radioactivity entering into scrap
Slováková, J.: Hazard storage
Hudecová, K.: New trends in the use of water as the extinguishing agent
Ondrejička, M.: Fire Protection in cultural and memory institutions
Steinhübel, S.: Health protection against electric shock
Novák, V.: Labour safety within the manufacturing of a steel fibre concrete container
Žažo, R.: Lighting assessment of the Railways of the Slovak Republic operating room
Zavadanová, M.: Risk assesment at work with disinfectants
Števík, I.: Arbitration of ways of hydrogenholding on the level against the explosive security
Čendek, P.: OSH In The Offices Of The Public Administration Systems Of Assesment
Perlák, M.: Assessing the effectiveness of intumescent coatings
Švehla, M.: Impact assessment of predictive maintenance for safety and health at work and fire safety
Zabáková, M.: The use of fire-fighting foams in practice
Srniak, J.: The fire protection in the paper industry
Královič, M.: Fire – technical characteristics of plastic packaging from retail chains
Štetinová, R.: Transport of dangerous goods exempted from the requirements of ADR
Halenárová, S.: Addressing occupational accidents in selected construction enterprises
Szarka, R.: Risks of water and bottom sediments sampling
Jančeková, M.: Monitoring the safety of the blasting
Šroba, M.: Determination and use of fire technical characteristics in the practice
Pénzeš, M.: Determination of coefficient of thermal conductivity established organic layers of dust and its impact on the propensity to spontaneous combustion
Blašková, Z.: The quality of ozone concentration in various state work procedures activities
Lipovský, M.: Determination of hazardous substances in wastewater
Horúcka, M.: Determine the influence of fire on the voltage drop and insulation resistance of electrical wiring
Gerincová, S.: Heat Flow and its Measurement
Fridrichová, A.: The ion exchangers attributes and the disposal methods in the nuclear power engeneering
Kravárik, I.: Effect of heat flux on thermal resistance of intumescent coating
Dermísek, M.: Principles for safe manipulation and transport of samples of dangerous chemical substances
Stano, F.: The Principles of Safe Work on the Machines in the Tire Service
Petrík, P.: The life cycle of intumescent coatings