Erasmus coordinator
framework contracts with institutions in different countries worldwide Erasmus+ agreements concluded by MTF STU with more 50 institutions in 25...
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Erasmus co-ordinator
framework contracts with institutions in different countries worldwide Erasmus+ agreements concluded by MTF STU with more 50 institutions in 25...
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Students-Application for Erasmus mobility
Call for applications of students of the FMST SUT for fellowships under the ERASMUS academic year of...
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Information for foreign Students and Teachers
span class="hl">Erasmus+ incoming students Exchange students...
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Information for students and teachers interested to study or teach in Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava
We are glad to welcome students and teachers from foreign countries to Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava. If you are interested...
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Student Buddies
experienced Erasmus too, so if you need help with anything or have any questions, feel free to contact me. Contact...
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PDF, 10.6 MB
Options of co-operation with practice
Research potential/Options of co-operation with...
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Division of International Projects and International Relations
nbsp; Erasmus co-ordinator...
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