The second stage of the study programme Materials Engineering is based on the current knowledge on the manufacturing, processing, diagnostics and applications of major technical materials (metals and their alloys, plastics, ceramics, glasses, hybrids). The graduate will deepen his knowledge on the correlation between chemical composition, microstructure and quantitative changes of quantities characterizing significant mechanical, technological and utility properties of materials. He will have knowledge on advanced and specific types of materials such as nanomaterials, biomaterials, biodegradable materials, shape memory materials, metal foams, superconductors, materials for high temperature applications and others. As a part of the characterization of materials manufacturing and processing he will master the corresponding advanced methods based on precise control of processes (vacuum techniques, plasma and laser technologies, electron beam technologies, powder metallurgy, surface treatments, nanotechnologies). He also will acquire knowledge in the field of numerical modelling of the phase composition of materials, simulation of technological processes of production and processing of materials. The graduate will master advanced methods of microstructural analysis, assessment of phase constitution of materials (scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis and others), as well as special methods of testing material properties such as fracture mechanics, fatigue and creep tests, corrosion tests and more. He will know the main degradation processes and their impact on the properties of materials and products made of these materials.
The graduate of the study programme Materials Engineering:
- has cross-sectional knowledge in the field of materials and corresponding technologies with a focus to their application use, corresponding to the current state of knowledge
- understands the manufacturing, testing, technological processing, optimization of the materials compositions and technological processes, exploitation and degradation of the properties of the major technical materials
- understands the material, financial and energy balances of engineering production processes
- has knowledge on the possibilities of affecting of materials by using the high-energy sources, and also through thermal, thermo-chemical and mechanical processing of materials in order to obtain the best complex of properties of technical materials used in practice
- masters the basics of determination and quantification of physical and mechanical quantities in technical and laboratory practice
- has an overview on the most widely used materials in engineering - from their manufacturing technology, processing technology, application and recycling
- masters the basics of electrical engineering, mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, design, creation of technical documentation, economics and management of industrial enterprises
- can effectively use the information systems enabling data collection, processing and analysis, control of experiments, production processes and materials processing
- The level his knowledge will enable his application in practice, but also in further development within the doctoral study.
Graduate of the study programme Materials Engineering:
- can create documents, process and analyse data, use the technical documentation, and use software support for communication, analysis and data processing
- can model the thermodynamic processes in the design of various materials, or simulate the microstructure and properties of materials by using commercially available software
- can operate with devices for measuring the mechanical properties of materials, implement data collection and processing in a PC
- is capable to prepare samples and to realize the metallographic preparation of various materials for evaluation of their microstructure
- can process the results of his work in the form of technical reports and presentations and can communicate these effectively
- has managerial, economic and environmental knowledge and is capable to prepare documents, reports and documentation in accordance with professional, ethical and legal principles in the field of mechanical engineering
- has capability to develop technical documents for the optimal solution of the choice of technical materials for practical applications
- can combine the latest knowledge in the field of technical materials in implementation of technical problems, in order to obtain solution with as much as significant added value
Graduate of the study program Materials Engineering:
- is capable to plan his own education, to organize his work and to independently acquire a new knowledge
- is independent in implementation of professional tasks, projects and in solution of partial tasks
- is capable to independently and creatively solve complex projects, with regard to his professional focus he can think analytically, and he can present his own opinions and solutions of new and unusual situations
- is ready to work effectively in a team, to cooperate and motivate is colleagues, and to take a responsibility for the results achieved in the team
- can set a time-table for implementation of projects with respect to the minimization of costs, and adhesion the time plan of the employer or customer, by applying modern approaches to working time planning
- is characterized by the capability to identify, quantify and evaluate the impact of problem implementation on the environment and social area
- can professionally present his own opinions and technical solutions to different types of audiences, and at different levels of management
Indication of occupation
Graduate of the study programme Materials Engineering:
- is ready to enter the labour market in the field of evaluation and quality control of materials by using advanced and sophisticated methods and special devices, as well as to cooperate with designers and technologists in the design and technological processing of materials into components, tools or other items.
- excellent graduates are ready for the study of the third degree of the study programme in the field of study Materials and related fields.
- also, he is applicable as (according to the System of Occupations at sustavapovolani.sk): Process Specialist in Mechanical Engineering, Manager in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Automation Specialist, Mechanical Specialist Designer, Designer, Mechanical Specialist Technologist, Mechanical Specialist in Quality, Mechanical Engineering maintenance specialist, engineering specialist in research and development.
Relevant stakeholders: the study programme is not a case of a regulated profession
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Mária Dománková, PhD., maria.domankova@stuba.sk
Study advisors: doc. Mgr. Ondrej Bošák, PhD., ondrej.bosak@stuba.sk
doc. Ing. Mária Hudáková, PhD., maria.hudakova@stuba.sk
prof. Ing. Marián Kubliha, PhD., marian.kubliha@stuba.sk