Institute of Safety and Environmental Engineering was created on 1st January of 2007 from Department of environmental and safety engineering. The first name was Department of Industrial Ecology created on 1st April 1995. The first head of department was prof. RNDr. Július Kováč, CSc. Prof. Karol Balog, MSc. PhD. is the head of Department and subsequently the head of Institute from 1998. In the Institute of Safety and Environmental Engineering is today located Department of Safety Engineering (head of department: Assoc. Prof. Ivana Tureková, PhD.), Department of Environmental Engineering (head of department: Assoc. Prof. Maroš Soldán, PhD.) and the Department of Industrial Safety (head of department: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Jasenák, PhD.)
Institute ensure education of experts in bachelor study programs - Environmental Engineering and Safety and Health Protection in Work. In engineering study institute ensure education of expert in program Environmental and Safety Engineering. In PhD. study program Institute ensure education of graduants in study program Integral Safety.