Ďurčanský, Matej:The Analysis of human health risk in car service.
Benedikovič, Igor: The analysis of dustiness in beton factory Hidrostavbet Ltd.
Žitňanský, Tomáš: Risk analysis by lathe work.
Michálek, Ivan: The analysis of damaging volatile substances by the gas chromatography .
Košíková, Jana: Analysis of separated collection of communal waste in the village.
Hrubšová, Jana: Analysis of the system of collection and assessing waste in the company Delphi Slovakia, Ltd.
Šramatá, Dagmar: Analysis of narcotic and psychotropic substances by gas chromatography and their effect on users.
Meravá, Martina: The Application of Environmental Management System in ZF Sachs Slovakia, a.s., Trnava.
Trnovský, Martin: Application of legal requirements in managed documentation of Safety and Health Protection.
Konya, Juraj: Audit of health and safety at work on selected workplace .
Ďureje, Jozef: Audit of health and safety at work in selected organisation .
Vékony, Peter: Job safety industy background.
Tompoš, Michal: Safety at work and working processes of firefighters.
Čapková, Jana: Foreign substances in food .
Lysá, Lenka: Inorganic substances in food sequence.
Dubovan, Michal: Decontamination of Firemen.
Kubica, Lukáš: Energy budget contiguous with exploitation of solar power.
Žilová, Andrea: Energetical use of biomass.
Bartovicová, Monika: Environmental information for consumers about products.
Mančíková, Erika: Environmental manager accountancy as an environmental policy tool .
Blašková, Eva: Public Procurement and red-tapie .
Adamusová, Dušana: Environmental charges of the region Horná Nitra .
Lamačka, Peter: Environmental reporting in organisations with established environmental management systems.
Záhorec, Peter: Evaluation of the quality of underground water in a chosen area .
Štibraná, Monika: Evaluation of the utilization biomass as an energy source.
Antal, Jaroslav: Assesment of the health hazards in logistics manager position from working environment point of view .
Stolárová, Martina: Identification of risk factors affecting the human organism in VEOLIA, a.s.
Cerovský, Martin: Identification of Hazards as a tool of distribution of personal protective working equipments .
Janovič, Martin: An internal audit under the OHSAS regulations in Skanska BS, a.s.
Gergelová, Dana: Water quality control by regulation to drinking water .
Chocholoušková, Zuzana: Quality of water in the selected locality .
Hornáček, Matej: Human factor in accident occasion .
Morávková, Jana: Proposal improvements occupational health and safety in upholstery production .
Kocian, Karol: The improvement of work safety in the stone-pit Buková .
Zaoralová, Lucia: Untraditional possibilities of using for solar energy.
Štibrányiová, Tatiana: New trends in the area of processing wastes from plastics.
Kollárová, Mária: The air protection in the face of dust particles .
Halászová, Tünde: The safety plan of a construction in practice.
Ďuriš, Ľubomír: Safety and occupational hygiene policy in The Execution of punishment Institute and The Execution of pre-trial custody Institute in Ilava.
Bukový, Filip: Examination of the Quality of Underground Water of Inactive Sludges - Pastuchov.
Mĺkva, Barbora: Review of the influence of selected waste dump to environment.
Vanečková, Jana: Environmental impact assessment of the rebuilding of the city swimming-pool in Vrútky on environment .
Uváčik, Martin: Transport of radioactive waste from an environmental point of view .
Kardošová, Jana: State help on protection and creation in environment .
Gajdošová, Renáta: Study of effect chosen service of fork lift to environment .
Duda, Martin: The study of the utilization of waste sediment as source of power .
Danková, Mária: Cooperation between the provider of nuclear devices with the state administration and local government on protection of emergency planning and emergency readiness.
Dostálová, Monika: The technology of processing biomass into fuels and the influence of biofuels usage on the living environment.
Horváth, Michal: Influence of physical-chemical characteristics on initiation of the process burnings industrial dust.
Gaálová, Marta: The effect of noise on the health of the employees in the company Drevomont-Fitos, Dunajská Streda.