Repa, Ondrej: Analysis of waste made in Chemolak,a.s. .
Čemez, Peter: Application of voluntary tools of environmental policy in business practice .
Harangozó, Jozef: Audit of safety and health protection at work in plant in chosen workplace .
Matuščin, Peter: Safety of Work with paintcoa substances in SlovZink, Inc., Košeca.
Babeľová, Ivana: Safety and orientation marking as a significant element of employer and employee health and safety at work executive .
Holková, Gabriela: Biodegradibility of informations management .
Lorencová, Martina:Economic assessment of investment intention with solar energy utilisation in the chosen enterprise .
Švantnerová, Katarína: Environmental and safety products labeling .
Erős, Pavol: Check lists of selected activities on Fire Station in Komárno .
Bagó, Marian: Modeling the accident state of dangerous substances in the workplace sewage tank in Smurfit Kappa Štúrovo, a.s.
Holičková, Lucia: Monitoring of pollutants on selected dump .
Roháľová, Miroslava: Possibilities of sanitation and remediation of soils involved with acidification .
Kupková, Veronika: Possibilities of stabilization of organic pollutants in soils and bottom sediments .
Morávková, Ivana: Settings possibilities of chosen organic matters in biomass .
Krajči, Martin: Ways of use of environmentally sound technologies .
Boleman, Tomáš: Application possibilities of renewable... .
Volner, Lukáš: Pretreatment possibilities of phytomass for fermentation production of ethanol .
Valentová, Lucia: New trends in wastes assessing from separated collection .
Galinski, Marek: Arbitration noisiness at the workplace Oceliareň .
Šudý, Marián: End-of-life vehicles recycling like the source of matters and raw materials .
Blinová, Lenka: Treatment of biomass to biofuels in therms of their environmental impact .
Fiala, Jozef: Biodegradability determination of selection components of biomass.
Gáspárová, Marta: Assessing properties of biodegradable plastics .
Bacák, Peter: Old vehicles and assessing windshields in SR .
Spišeková, Silvia: Study of characteristics of chosen type of hydroengine Setur according to its use for irrigation .
Kollár, Martin: Study of the usage of photovoltaic systems for chosen electrochemical processes.
Adamec, Matúš: Study of thermic pump utilization alternatives in selected enterprise.
Sucharda, Michal: Study of impact of external conditions on ignition temperature of woody dusts .
Schön, Milan:Creaton of e-documents in education and science research in branch of environmental engineering.
Schmiedtová, Michaela: Application tool ecological foot print in environmental management .
Kolmosová, Jana: Application FSC Standard on requirements of Swedwood Malacky.
Gajanec, Martin: Evaluation of System Collection of Electro-waste in Chosen Company .
Buštorová, Martina:Exploitation of renewable sources of energy.
Sersen, Miroslav: EMS implementation according ISO 14 001 in Tatrachema, co-opt, Trnava .
Lorencová, Zuzana: Evaluation of quality of surface water - lake Adamov .