The study program “Computer-Aided Production Technologies” focuses on offering the students theoretical and practical knowledge based on the current state of science and on helping them master their use in the practice. It provides knowledge from the area of production technologies (machining, forming, casting, welding, additive technologies with the support of metrology and assembly). The graduate has advanced computer control skills of CAx systems and CAx technologies used in the preparation and management of production. The program also focuses on the transfer of knowledge from scientific research activities or publications to the teaching process in order to point out the application of acquired knowledge to research and practice. The graduate is prepared for the 2nd degree study in the study program "Computer-Aided Design and Production". Profiling subjects focus primarily on the application of computer support tools to production technologies, also on offering knowledge of production technologies, additive technologies, and computer support for metrology and assembly. The selected chapters focus on leading the students to gain knowledge of the application of computer support tools into research and practice, they are taught in English.
Acquired knowledge
Graduates of the study program “Computer-Aided Production Technologies” will gain knowledge of basic scientific, technical, and technological disciplines, management as well as knowledge of information technology with an application approach to the use of computer technology. This knowledge is logically followed by the study of more specific profiling subjects, especially from the fields of production technologies, computer support for production technologies, computer support for assembly (CAA), computer support for quality (CAQ), while keeping a special emphasis on practical skills and abilities. All of these previous acquired knowledge is subsequently supplemented by knowledge from the field of mechanics, which is also necessary for the solution of specific assignments, projects, and the same final works.
The organic connection between the study of natural sciences, economics, and management disciplines with the study of technical, technological and computer disciplines creates the preconditions for graduates to best integrate themselves in practice. The study plan of the study program is based on the current state and trends of science and is a good basis for a possible continuation at the engineering level.
Acquired skills
Graduates have practical skills in the application of CAx systems for the design, manufacture, and inspection of shape-complex parts for the automotive or aerospace industries. The students can use modern 3D computer software of the type of CAD, CAQ, CAM, CAE, CAA and modern CNC machines and 3D printers. All the knowledge acquired during the study can be practically verified on many devices and machines that are available in laboratories. Graduates achieve practical skills in the inspection and control of mechanical parts where they can apply optical 3D scanning, computed tomography, reverse engineering and coordinate optical measurement. In the CAA area, they also gain skills in product design in terms of assembly, design of assembly workplaces and systems. They also gain skills in software commonly used for the support of assembly.
Acquired competences
The graduate has the ability to apply the acquired skills for the design of shape-complex parts, and is able to design whole technological production processes, generate CNC programs for the production of parts, design control plans, apply and evaluate measurement procedures and also to design assembly procedures and methods for products. The student is also able to effectively solve specific problems that arise in the chain CAD-CAM-CNC-CAQ-CAA. Furthermore, the graduate masters the most modern ICT, which he is able to use in his practice.
Occupational Profile
Graduates of the study program “Computer-Aided Production Technologies” are qualified to practice the profession of "Engineering Technologist," with advanced skills in computer technology, CAx systems and CAx technologies used in the preparation and management of production. Graduates are able to independently create technical documentation and designs using computer support (Mechanical Engineering Specialist, Technical Designer, Constructor), create programs for CNC machines (CNC Programming Specialist). Besides, the graduate also knows how to model complex 3D products and simulate the preparation of their production. Similarly, the absolvent can also easily work in the implementation and operation of production technology systems, and this as a CAD/CAM technologist, designer of production tools, jigs, and fixtures, or in the field of the technical preparation of production and the programming of NC technology and production systems using computer technology and suitable software (Mechanical Engineering specialist, Technologist).
Integration on the labor market
Graduates are able to insert themselves on the labor market in roles related to the implementation and operation of production-technological systems, for example, like CAD / CAM technologists, CA staff in technological company offices and departments, technological designers or constructors of production tools and fixtures, while also in the field of the technical preparation of production and in the programming CNC technology and production systems. Companies are interested in the graduates of the study program since the early stages of their studies and therefore they will mostly find a suitable job in their field.
Results of graduates who ended in 2019 (Data as of June 30, 2020)
Number of graduates 46 (98% men, 2% women)
Employment 2%
Continuing the study at the faculty 96%
Others (working abroad, voluntarily unemployed) 2%
Successful graduates of the study program.
Ing. Tomáš Šimo - Head of the Center of Excellence for Quality Carl Zeiss Slovakia, s.r.o.
Ing. Marek Zvončan, Ph.D. - Head of Research and Development at Boge elastmetall Slovakia a.s.
Ing. Rudolf Zaujec PhD. - Head of R&D MASAM s.r.o.
Relevant external interested parties or stakeholders
Representatives of external interested parties or stakeholders provided their considerations or insights containing the following comments: to include English in the future from the first year, to introduce more technical subjects / exercises / projects.
After a deep discussion, the external parties agreed on the following statement: "The study program “Computer-Aided Production Technologies” reflects the requirements and expectations of employers for the knowledge and skills acquired by studying the profile subjects of the study program." Schaeffler Skalica, spol. s r.o.
Boge Elastmetall Slovakia, a.s.
Carl Zeiss Slovakia, s.r.o.
MASAM s.r.o
The quality of the study program is evaluated by the employers
Employers' representatives agreed on the following joint statement: “Graduates of the Computer-Aided Production Technologies study program are able to independently solve assigned practical tasks using IT skills acquired in profile subjects and are able to learn and acquired new knowledge. Graduates have knowledge of the basic principles and tools needed to perform work tasks”.
Guarantor: doc. Ing. Peter Pokorný, PhD.,
Study advisor: doc. Ing. Ivan Buranský, PhD.,