A graduate of the bachelor's study program Materials Engineering at MTF, STU gained knowledge about the basic types, properties and use of technical materials. He also acquired knowledge of production- and processing technology (welding, forming, machining, foundry, heat treatment and surface treatment) of materials. He also acquired knowledge in the field of organization and safety of work, and of the informatics and management of an industrial enterprise. The graduate is capable to determine the mechanical and technological properties of materials and can evaluate the structure of materials by standard procedures.
Graduate of the study program Materials Engineering:
- has cross-sectional knowledge in the field of materials and technologies with a focus on their applications, corresponding to the current state of knowledge
- understands the production, testing, technological processing, selection of suitable materials and technological processes, exploitation and degradation of properties of the main types of technical materials
- understands the material and energy balances of engineering production processes
- has knowledge of the possibilities of processing materials in order to obtain the best properties of technical materials used in practice
- has skills with respect to the recording the mechanical and physical properties of the materials in real industrial processes
- has an overview of the basic types of technical materials - from the manufacturing technology, processing technology, their application and recycling
- understands the basic diagnostics principles of the properties of the most frequently used materials in technical practice
- has an adequate basis in natural sciences (mathematics and physics), can effectively use the basics of electrical engineering, design, informatics, economics and management of industrial enterprises
- can the basics of technical and professional English
- the level of knowledge enables the graduates their application in practice, but also, above all, further study in the continuing engineering study.
Graduate of the study program Materials Engineering:
- can process data and create documents in computer office software
- can the basics of working in the most used operating systems
- can model the thermodynamic processes in the formation of various alloys using software
- can work with devices for measurements of mechanical properties of materials, can collect the obtained data and process them by using a PC
- has basic skills in the metallographic preparation of various materials for observation by light microscopes
- can process and evaluate measured data by using a MS Excel, Image J and similar software
- can process the results of his work in the form of technical reports and presentations, and can communicate them effectively
- has an awareness of management, economy and environment, and is capable to prepare documents, reports and documentation in accordance with the professional, ethical and legal framework in the field of mechanical engineering
- is capable to read and understand the technical documents and assignments from the customers
- has the capability to develop technical documents to determine the optimized solution for the selection of technical materials for specific practical applications
- can combine the latest knowledge in the field of technical materials to solve a technical problem in order to obtain a solution with significant added value
Graduate of the study program Materials Engineering:
- is capable to plan his own education, to organize his work and gain new knowledge through independent study
- is independent in solving the professional tasks, projects and coordination of sub-tasks
- is capable to independently and creatively solve complex projects. He has good analytical skills in his professional focus, can present his own opinions and solutions of new and unusual situations
- is ready to work effectively in a team, cooperate and motivate his colleagues, take a responsibility for the achieved team results
- can set a time-table for solving the project in order to minimize the cost component and to adhere to the time plan of the employer or customer, by applying modern approaches of working time planning, and also with regard to whole work team
- is characterized by the capability to identify, quantify and evaluate the impact of problem solving on the environmental and social areas
- can professionally present his opinions and technical solutions to different types of audiences, and at different management levels
Indication of occupation
The study programme Materials Engineering is focused to the knowledge of concepts, principles and theories related to the application of technical materials in a wide range of applications in engineering practice. The employment of graduates is therefore mainly in the engineering, but also in interdisciplinary professions such as energy, electrical engineering, i.e. wherever it is necessary to have the basic knowledge on the material properties, operating processes and how to optimize them in order to increase economic efficiency and safety. In these areas, the graduate of the study programme Materials Engineering will work as a project manager, designer, system designer, process specialist, controller for non-destructive materials testing, or as a sales representative of suppliers of semi-finished products for mechanical engineering.
- The graduate of the study programme is characterized by the knowledge of materials and technological processes used in various engineering branches, which allows him to better understand the physical nature of these materials and processes and to use them for optimization of overall environmental impact on the one hand and for increase the quantity and quality of production as well as overall labour productivity on the other hand.
- The graduate has knowledge on the manufacturing processes of technical materials, and on their properties after technological processing into the form of tools or components, as well as their side effects on the production and environment.
- He can measure a wide range of material properties, and can process, analyse and evaluate the obtained results. The graduate is capable to independently or as part of a team analyse technical problems, to design their solutions, while he can evaluate, maintain, manage and further develop the existing systems. The graduate is capable to apply the latest theoretical knowledge to implement practical problems, while being capable to independently assess various solutions and choose the most effective among them, which takes the both the benefit and cost into account.
- He can be employed in companies dealing with the sale, purchase, processing and testing of materials, but also in the automotive and energy sectors. He has the potential to do business in the field of production and services focused primarily to the production of instruments, machines and equipment. It has the prerequisites for application as a middle link in management in engineering companies.
Graduate of the bachelor's study program Materials Engineering:
- is ready for the study at the 2nd degree of university study and can, with the help of acquired knowledge and skills, directly continue the study in the following engineering study programmes in the field of Materials Engineering, but also Production Technologies, Production Technologies and Production Management.
- apply as (according to the System of Occupations at website sustavapovolani.sk)
Employment of graduates at specific employers
process technician, equipment operator in engineering production, production planning specialist, quality control technician, engineering specialists, technicians in physical, technical sciences and transport.
Over the 20 years of its existence the bachelor's degree in Materials Engineering has produced a number of graduates. In most cases, graduates continued their engineering studies and then went into the engineering practice. These graduates have been employed in various branches of industry as well as at management positions.
For the automotive, for example, the following graduates can be mentioned: Ing. Karol Hanko (2008), Plastic Omnium. In the field of transport, for example, Ing. Imrich Czere (2020) - Director of Railway Repair and Engineering Works Zvolen, a.s., Ing. Daniel Habardík (2007), ŽOS Trnava, Ing. Klaudia Kardhordóová (2017), JKM Cranes s.r.o. Smart are successful graduates.
In the field of energy, a successful graduate is Ing. Juraj Chromek (2018) who has been working at Slovenské elektrárne a.s.
In other branches of engineering production, Ing. Lukáš Roščák (graduated in 2009), Ing. Martin Šoka (2012), Ing. Igor Vrazic (2004) Ing. Matej Janovič (2017) - everyone at Bekaert, have found a successful employment.
Other graduated who have been working at positions of middle or higher management are the following: Ing. Gabriel Szokolay (2008) - Ferplast Slovakia s.r.o., Ing. Matej Bobák (2006) - MULTISTAL & LOHMANN SLOVAKIA s.r.o., Ing. Jaromír Kunc (1996) - technical director of Chiran T-Inject, a.s. Stara Tura, Ing. Romana Tomsova (2019) - Schaeffler Skalica, spol. s r.o., Ing. Pavol Ciran (2006) - PFS Brezova pod Bradlom, Ing. Stanislava Tirindová/Pösová (2002) - Fortischem Novaky.
In the field steels supplying (purchasing and selling of steels semi-products) the following graduates are the most successful: Anna Müller/Verböciová (1998) - voestalpine High Performance Metals Slovakia, s.r.o., and Ing. Adam Žilinský (2010) - IFE-CR a. S. Modřice, Czech Republic
In other areas we can mention Ing. Rastislav Hliva (2018) - Saneca Pharmaceuticals Inc. Hlohovec.
Relevant stakeholders: the study programme is not a case of a regulated profession
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Peter Jurči, PhD., peter.jurci@stuba.sk
Study advisors: doc. Ing. Roman Moravčík, PhD., roman.moravcik@stuba.sk
doc. Ing. Mária Hudáková, PhD., maria.hudakova@stuba.sk