Interconnection to a long-term intention of the State Scientific and Technological Policy till 2015
Addressing the projects submitted directly related to the long-term intention of the State Scientific and Technological Policy till 2015. In the category of 6.1.4 Knowledge Technologies with the support of information and communication technologies is clearly defined, that the development of technologies whitch help to discover, classify, interpret and implement knowledge are the necessary conditions for the successful advancement of the knowledge society. Particular attention should be paid to the development of knowledge technologies with a application of automated complexes. Current projects in their objectives reflect the fundamental challenges of long-term intentions that are multiple solutions for the creation of knowledge organizations. One of the major objectives of the long-term intention, in addition to providing sufficient resources to support science and technology, is to set out substantive research and development, where development of the knowledge society is one of the cross objectives.
Projects appeal to area 4.2 Area of technical infrastructure for research and development, which highlights vital construction and the operation of virtual networks to support basic services for research and development, Theky define the means and mechanisms for knowledge transfer and address the issue of supporting science and research organization based onde verification of outputs.
The MTF STU has invested in ICT: Building the LAN MTF - National hub, the building of PC seminar rooms and PC pools, building of technologies of the future "thin client", building a modern printing system, the introduction of ICT into classrooms.
PC pools for students