Department of AlumniPress Publishing House (hereinafter referred to as AP) at STU MTF is an organizational part of the Division of Knowledge Management at STU MTF in Trnava.
Aim of AlumniPress Publishing House is to ensure a fast transfer of scientific research results into teaching via publications and thus provide the access to new knowledge as well as improve the quality of the pedagogical process and Faculty representativeness.
The publishing activities of AlumniPress are represented by author preparation, processing and edition of publications of the following:
- electronic textbooks and study materials, i.e. teaching ids comprising essential parts explanation in a specific subject (in compliance with the syllabus),teaching aids determined for practical laboratory, calculation, or construction-project assignments for students within the specific subject (complementary appendices to textbooks on the same advanced level of processing), which are professionally reviewed, proof-read, and modified in correspondence with currents standards
- other electronic kinds of teaching aids (manuals, texts, workbooks, etc.) commonly without proof reading and economical publishing adjustments,
- internal Faculty periodicals,
- preparation of publications (monographs, textbooks,proceedings) edited by STU Publisher in Bratislava.
Edition of scientific monographs and textbooksThe Publishing House executes theedition plan of scientific monographs, MTF textbooks and study materials.
In cooperation with authors the Publishing House issues home scientific monographs available on-line on MTF STU webpage. AlumniPress is registered in the ISBN (ISSN) NationalAgency. Currently the Publishing House cooperates with foreign partners in editing STU MTF authors ́ scientific monographs.
MTF Journals
Journal: Research Papers MTF STU (
Indexed by:
- Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
- Baidu Scholar
- Celdes
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) - CAplus
- CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- EBSCO (relevant databases)
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- Google Scholar
- Inspec
- J-Gate
- JournalTOCs
- KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders)
- Naviga (Softweco)
- Paperbase
- Pirabase
- Polymer Library
- Primo Central (ExLibris)
- ProQuest (relevant databases)
- ReadCube
- Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
- ResearchGate
- Sherpa/RoMEO
- Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest)
- TDNet
- TEMA Technik und Management
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb
- WanFang Data
- WorldCat (OCLC)
Journal: Materials Science and Technology (
Electronic textbooks
Since 2007 MTF edits all textbooks in an electronic version so that they are available via AIS (acadremic informations system) to all students.
Portal „Publishing at MTF“
The portal (determined only for the conditions and rules of publishing at STU MTF) is aimed at providing the authors with standards they have necessarily to follow in their publications. All types of documents shall strictly follow the Act on Copyright, the rights related to the Act, as well as moral and ethical principles of publishing.
Head of Section of AlumniPress Publishing House