Section of Public Relations (only as PR) at MTF STU is an organizational part of the Division of Knowledge management.
Faculty activities in the field of PR:
- professional subtilization of all important relationships,
- active presentation, advocacy and harmonization of significant interests,
- building the positive image of the Faculty.
PR is in charge of communication with all important target groups so that the position and perception of the Faculty are improved. The PR activity is aimed at status improvement, information availability increase, deepening of positive attitudes and the presentation of successful results in all significant Faculty activities, i.e. building and polishing the positive image of the Faculty allowing thus the following:
- increase all target groups ́inerest,
- better availability of infomation on the Faculty.
Quality and efficient communication with internal faculty audience, constant and live two-way information flow is the basic prerequisite for building mutual understanding,solidarity, loyalty, and feeling of ownership.
PR opportunities:
Repetitive PR opportunities (achieving publicity via media):
- medial of Faculty academic ceremonies, Faculty anniversaries, participation in fairs and exhibitions, ect.
Irregular and random presentation opportunities:
- research achievements – new inventions, patents, granting of outstanding appreciations, opening of new premises or advanced technological equipment ,
- issuing of a significant publication, granting of outst anding appreciation to known personalities
Intentional PR opportunities:
- initiatives and activities in favour of public, helath and environment protection
- foundations within the Faculty
- Faculty participation in socially significant solutions and projects
- communication with graduates
Aims and means of public relations:
- tactical: inform, improve relations, form the behaviour of the social environment
- strategic: understanding, harmony of ineterests, positive image of the Faculty in the public.
Recent PR activities:
- Annual Report elaboration
- representative publications elaboration
- Faculty galleries
- permanent poster exhibition/display
- DVD on Faculty
- STU unified design application
- Faculty website operation
- press monitoring
- meeting of Faculty employees
- social and cultural events in cooperation with other Faculty organizational parts
- cooperation in the organization and attendance at exhibitions and fairs
- exhibition of Technological Museum
- portals of Faculty News and MTF Photo-galleries
- virtual tours of the Faculty
- promotion materials and textiles
Head of Public Relations Section