Studies at the faculty
Master degree graduates will find jobs as senior workers in the field of research and development, production, as well as in the services and management of...
Upravené pred týždňom

Admission of applicants for bachelor study (Bc.) in 2025/2026 academic year
Ministry of Education, Research, Development and youth of the Slovak Republic Slovak language for students – the intensive...
Upravené pred mesiacom
Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
Upravené pred mesiacom
PDF, 726.2 KB
Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
Upravené pred mesiacom
PDF, 666.1 KB
Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
Upravené pred mesiacom
PDF, 666.0 KB
Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
Upravené pred mesiacom
PDF, 418.1 KB
Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
Upravené pred mesiacom
PDF, 417.7 KB

Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
span class="hl">Research Conferences together with their positions on the first, second or third place, certified copies of any other documents of significant...
Upravené pred mesiacom
Admission of applicants to PhD. study in 2025/2026 academic year
Upravené pred mesiacom
PDF, 142.4 KB

Research and development
span class="hl">research characteristics national projects international projects...
Upravené pred 7 mesiacmi