Európska Komisia (EK) hľadá externých expertov na zabezpečenie transparentnosti v odborných skupinách, ktoré pomáhajú Komisii v súvislosti s:
- prípravou legislatívnych návrhov a politických iniciatív;
- prípravou delegovaných aktov;
- implementáciou právnych predpisov, programov a politík EÚ vrátane koordinácie a spolupráce s členskými štátmi EÚ a zainteresovanými stranami;
- ak je to potrebné, príprava vykonávacích aktov pred predložením výboru v súlade s nariadením (EÚ) č. 182/2011.
Práca pre väčšinu expertných skupín je honorovaná a prípadné cestovné náklady sú preplácané.
Skupiny expertov EK a iné podobné subjekty sú uvedené v Registri expertných skupín EK. Pre každú skupinu expertov poskytuje register cenné informácie vrátane informácií o oddelení Komisie, ktoré vedie túto skupinu, ako aj o jej členoch, poslaní a úlohách. Register obsahuje aj príslušné dokumenty, ktoré skupiny pripravujú a diskutujú.
Aktuálne výzvy na prihlásenie sa do expertných skupín nájdete tu.
Prehľad výziev na prihlásenie sa do expertných skupín (k 14.3.2018):
- Call for being registered in the Database of experts for the Scientific Committees of the European Commission / DG Health and Food Safety / Policy Area: Environment, Public Health, Consumer affairs (Continuously open call)
- Call for additional members of the consultation forum on alternatives to fluorinated greenhouse gases / DG Climate Action / Policy Area: Climate (Continuously open call)
- Call for expressions of interest for the establishment of a list of experts to assist the Commission in the framework of the Justice Programme and the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) / DG Justice and Consumers / Policy Area: Human rights, Justice and Home Affairs, Youth (Continuously open call)
- CALL for applications for the selection of members of the expert group for the exchange of information pursuant to Article 13 of the Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED Forum) – E02611 / DG Environment / Policy Area: Environment (Continuously open call)
- Call addressed to individuals for the establishment of a database of prospective independent experts to assist Commission services with tasks in connection with Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation / DG Research and Innovation / Policy Area: Research and Innovation (Continuously open call)
- Call for applications for the selection of additional members of the expert group accompanying future substance reviews under Directive 2011/65/EU / DG Environment / Policy Area: Environment (Continuously open call)
- Call for applications for the selection of members of the expert group on liability and new technologies. This call relates to the 'Expert Group on liability and new technologies' (E03592) set up by the 3 Commission departments Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs ('DG GROW'), Justice and Consumers ('DG JUST') and Communications, Networks, Content and Technology ('DG CNECT') / DG Justice and Consumers / Policy Area: Justice and Home Affairs (Open until 30.4.2018)
- Technical expert group on sustainable finance / DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union / Policy Area: Environment, Internal Market, Climate (Open until 16.4.2018)
- Call for the selection of members to the High-level expert group on Artificial Intelligence / DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology / Policy Area: Research and Innovation (Open until 9.4.2018)
- Call for appilcations for the selection of members of the high-level group of experts on pensions / DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion / Policy Area: Employment and Social Affairs (Open until 7.4.2018)
- Call for applications for the selection of members for the Task Force Rural Africa – strengthening our partnership in food and farming / DG Agriculture and Rural Development / Policy Area: Agriculture (Open until 23.3.2018)
- Call for applications for the Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) / DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs / Policy Area: Enterprise (Open until 16.3.2018)