Vedecké monografie vydané vo Vydavateľstve a nakladateľstve Aleš Čeněk, s.r.o. Plzeň, ČR.
Erika HodúlováLead-free Soldering in Micro-electronics
Roman Moravčík, Marián HazlingerDegradation processes and Life-time prediction
Jana ŠugárováCNC Metal Spinning. Study of Properties of Spun Parts
Ladislav MorovičNon-contact Measurement of Free-form Surfaces
Daynier Rolando Delgado SobrinoMaterial Flow and Layout. An integrative Analysis
Ingrid GörögováTechnological Heredity in bearing Production
Kristína Gerulová, Maroš SoldánMetalworking fluids disinfection by the ozone
Richard KuracinaIntegrated system for risk assessment
Kristína GerulováBiodegradability of MWFS (Enhancing by the utilization of AOP´s)
Hana KobetičováSorption of 3,5-dichlorophenol by low-cost adsorbents
Jaromíra Vaňová, Miroslava Mĺkva, Peter SzabóOrganizational culture and performance
Jozef MartinkaFire risk of materials and combustible liquids
Helena KravárikováInvestigation of weld joints by numerical simulation
Dagmar CagáňováCommunication in multicultural teams in industrial enterprises
Igor Kostolný, Roman KoleňákSolderability of aluminium metal-ceramic composite with metal or ceramics by a direct flux-free process
Tibor HorákNew method of making the internet of things safer within the concept of Industry 4.0
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