As part of the ProSkill project in the EIT Raw Materials scheme, the Institute of Integrated Safety (UIBE) of Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava of Slovak University of Technology (STU) in Bratislava presented its entry to the European Researchers' Night, which took place online this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The topics of the lecture were interesting and currently much discussed themes in the area of Raw Materials, and the presentation mostly focused on Recovery of precious metals from the electrical waste, Impacts of the electrical waste on the environment and Methods used for the extraction of precious metals from the electrical waste. The online presentation on 27th November 2020 was attended by the students of 1st to 4th grade of the Ján Hollý Grammar School in Trnava and their teachers. The presentation was made and presented by researchers of UIBE Ing. Igor Wachter, PhD and Ing. Alica Pastierová, Ph.D..
During the online meeting transmitted via MS Teams the students were able to interact with the researchers. The presentation was followed by the Discussions and questions section, where the students had opportunity to ask the questions related to the topic or related to the research on STU.
The target and the purpose of the European Researchers’ Night with this year’s motto Science without Borders, was to show, that there are many successful and experienced researchers in various areas in Slovakia and bring their work virtually to the schools and homes. We believe that the online presentation of the STU researchers fulfilled this goal. And based on the reactions of the students, we can say, that they were excited by the opportunity to meet and speak with the researchers and that the mutual discussion contributed to broadening the horizons of all participants.
More information about the ProSkill project can be found at