- H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-1 (2015-2016): SlovakION - Slovak Centre of Excellence in Ion Beam and Plasma Technologies for Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (Supervisor: Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík)
- VEGA-1/0465/15 (2015-2018): Design of Al-TM alloys for on-board hydrogen production (Supervisor: RNDr. Martin Šulka. PhD.)
- VEGA - 1/0279/16 (2016-2018): Physical properties of confined systems (Supervisor: Mgr. Filip Holka, PhD.)
- VEGA- 1/0219/16 (2016-2018): High energy heavy ion-beam annealing of ion implantation synthesized silicon carbide (Supervisor: Ing. Jozef Dobrovodský, CSc.)
- VEGA-1/0335/16 (2016-2018): Searching for physical sources of the fast stochastic oscillations in accreating systems (Supervisor: Mgr. Andrej Dobrotka, PhD.)
- VEGA-1/0770/13 (2013-2015): Structure, propeties and processes at surfaces and interfaces of materials: computational modeling (Supervisor: RNDr. Andrej Antušek, PhD.)
- VEGA 1/0511/13 (2013 – 2015): Study of turbulent accretion process in accreating binary systems through flickering activit (Supervisor: Mgr. Andrej Dobrotka, PhD.)
- VEGA 1/0463/13 (2013 – 2015): Study of flexible mechatronics system variable parameters influence on its control (Supervisor: Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík)
- OP VaV 26220220179 (2013-2015): University Scientific Park "CAMPUS MTF STU" - CAMBO (Supervisor: Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík)
- OPV 26110230116 (2013-2015): Human Resources Development in the field of research and development for the UVP-CAMBO (Supervisor: Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík)
Internal projects of STU:
- Use of intelligent and knowledge oriented technologies for the needs of the hierarchical management of the production process (Supervisor: Ing. Dominika Janíková, PhD.)
- Preparation and characterization of gradient and wear resistant nanocomposite TiC coatings by HiPIMS (Supervisor: Ing. Jana Bohovičová, PhD.)
- Graded TiC nanocomposite coatings prepared by a new generation of PIII & D for applications in the automotive industry (Supervisor: Ing. Jana Bohovičová, PhD.)
- The study of aerosols in selected technological processes and analysis of the presence of noxious elements in terms of security working environment (Supervisor: Ing. Matúš Beňo, PhD.)
Participating projects:
- VEGA - 1/0018/15 (2015 – 2018) Regularities of formation and thermodynamic stability of structurally complex phases in aluminium - or zinc-base alloys (Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jozef Janovec, DrSc., ATRI Supervisor: Ing. Marcel Meško, PhD.)
- VEGA - 1/0503/15 (2015 – 2017) Preparation and characterization TiC nanocomposite coatings by HiPIMS method for automotive applications (Supervisor: prof. Ing. Ján Lokaj, PhD., ATRI Supervisor: Ing. Marcel Meško, PhD.)
- VEGA - 1/0673/15 (2015 – 2017) Knowledge discovery for hierarchical control of technological and production processes (Supervisor: prof. Ing. Pavol Tanuška, PhD., ATRI Supervisor: Ing. Dominika Janíková, PhD.)
- APVV - SK-FR-2015-0006 (2016-2017) Analysis of structural changes and characterization of electric properties of special glasses designed for optoelectronic applications (Supervisor : doc. Ing. Mária Dománková, PhD., ATRI Supervisor: doc. Ing. Stanislav Minárik, PhD.)
- KEGA - 001STU-4/2014 (2014-2016) Implementation of non-destructive methods for the description of the physical characteristics of advanced thin-layered materials (Supervisor: Mgr. Ondrej Bošák, PhD., ATRI Supervisor: doc. Ing. Stanislav Minárik, PhD.)
- VEGA- 1/0184/14 (2014-2016) Multicomponent special glasses for optoelectronics, non-linear optics and fiber optics (Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Vladimír Labaš, PhD., ATRI Supervisor: doc. Ing. Stanislav Minárik, PhD.)